Fire Emblem Wiki
Fire Emblem Wiki

“For mercenaries, mymidons, and fighters Lv. 10 and up.”
—In-game description, The Sacred Stones

The Hero Crest is a promotional item that recurs throughout the Fire Emblem Series, permitting infantry units Level 10 and above to promote into the second tier of their respective class lines. The Hero Crest promotes Mercenaries into Heroes, Myrmidons into Swordmasters and Fighters into Warriors.

In Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade, the Hero Crest is also used to promote Pirates and Brigands into Berserkers.

In Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones, the branching promotion system allows the various infantry units to promote into alternate classes. In this regard, Mercenaries can promote into Rangers, Myrmidons into Assassins and Fighters into Heroes.

Item Information[]

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Hero Crest 1 2,000 Promotes Level 10+ Mercenaries.

Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Hero Proof (FE3) Hero Proof 1 10,000 Promotes Level 10+ Mercenaries.

TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
TRSHeroProof Hero Proof 1 11,700 Promotes Level 10+ Fighter units.

Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Herocrest Hero Crest 1 10,000 Promotes Level 10+ Mercenaries, Myrmidons, Pirates, Brigands and Fighters.

Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade[]

“For mercenaries, myrmidons, and fighters Lv. 10 and up.”
—In-game description
Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Herocrest Hero Crest 1 10,000 Promotes Level 10+ Mercenaries, Myrmidons and Fighters.

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Herocrest Hero Crest 1 10,000 Promotes Level 10+ Mercenaries, Myrmidons and Fighters

Item Locations[]

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light[]

Method Location
Dropped Enemy Hero (Ch. 10) • Enemy Hero (Ch. 16)
Secret Shop Ch. 23

Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem[]

Method Location
Dropped Book 1: Enemy Hero (Ch. 8) • Enemy Hero (Ch. 13)
Book 2: Enemy Thief (Ch. 7) • Enemy Ice Dragon (Ch. 13)
Secret Shops Book 1: Ch. 17
Book 2: Ch. 5Ch. 18

TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga[]

Method Location
Dropped M17
Treasure M11 - Chest • M14 - Chest • M16 - Chest
Mermel Caves - Random from Chest • Arial Caves North - Random from ChestTower of Morse Floor 5 - Random from Chest
Visit M14 - Village • M18 - Village
Item Craftsman Ligria Fort - Combine the Master Sword and the Gold Bag in order to exchange for a Hero Proof.

Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade[]

Method Location
Steal Zephiel (Ch. 22)
Treasure Ch. 16 - Chest
Visit Ch. 7 - Village
Event Ch. 11A/Ch. 10B - End of chapter if all the Villages were visited.
Secret Shops Ch. 16Ch. 21

Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade[]

Method Location
Steal Eliwood's Story: Oleg (Ch. 20)
Hector's Story: Oleg (Ch. 21)
Treasure Eliwood's Story: Ch. 16 - ChestCh. 22 - Hidden in the sand • Ch. 25B - Chest
Hector's Story: Ch. 17 - ChestCh. 23 - Hidden in the sand • Ch. 27B - Chest
Secret Shops Eliwood's Story: Ch. 29
Hector's Story: Ch. 31

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones[]

Method Location
Dropped 'Main Story:*Enemy Myrmidon (Ch. 14A) • Enemy Hero and Warrior (Ch. 16)
Monster Random Drops: Wight (Melee) [0.29%] • Cyclops [4.2%] • Elder Bael [3%]
Inventory Gerik
Visit Ch. 10B - Village
Secret Shops Main Story: Ch. 14ACh. 14BCh. 19
Creature Campaign: Grado KeepJehanna HallRausten Court

