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Hinata (Fates)[]


  • "Name's Hinata! I'm a samurai from Hoshido. I'm always training with my katana—got the best slice around!"


  • "Say, you free? Then why not train with me, Kiran! Need to keep my arm in swingin' shape!"
  • "As long as we're all here, we should have a big competition. We'll see how good you members of this order are!"
  • "I'm a retainer for Lord Takumi. I wouldn't hesitate to give up my life if it meant protecting him."
  • "Hey! On patrol? Good work! If you ever need a hand, just holler, and then I'll come running!"
  • "Just bought veggies from a pretty lady. Nah, she didn't overcharge me. No way pretty ladies would do that!"
  • "You're Kiran, right? Your buddy sent me over to say hello. Which buddy? Ha! It was Friend." (Greeting from friend)
  • "Hey there! Just wanna throw a whole bucket of thanks on you for putting me in battle a lot. You know I live for that, and that sorta thing helps me keep my skills sharp, Kiran! Have to admit that when I first landed here, I was all kinds of homesick. I mean, seriously! This place doesn't have anything good from Hoshido! No dojos. No miso soup. But you know what? I love this place now, even without the soup! Good for a guy to open up to new things, right? Otherwise, life's just dull. Besides, battling strong foes from so many worlds helps me get better at protecting Lord Takumi. Ha! Don't think I forgot about you. Me and my katana? We are SO here to keep you safe!" (Upon reaching level 40)

Info Screen[]

  • "Haha!"
  • "Ha, might not look it, but I'm actually pretty good at stuff."
  • "This realm has such wide open fields. Man, you gotta love that!"
  • "Uhh, maybe I'm a little scruffy, but I give the pits a splash everyday!"
  • "I train really hard, until I'm dead on the floor. Keeps a guy alive!"
  • "My blade is devoted to my liege, there's nothing I take more seriously."
  • "Where's Lord Takumi? I gotta protect him no matter what!
  • "I'll always have your back. You just leave it to me buddy."


  • "Alright."
  • "Here I go."
  • "Where to?"

Level Up[]

  • "I kinda want to brag to everyone now." (5-6 stats up)
  • "Oh wow, I'm getting stronger!" (3-4 stats up)
  • "I wanted to become even stronger." (1-2 stats up)
  • "This is gonna be an exciting change!" (new skill learned)


  • "Oh that's it!"
  • "Let's get wild!"
  • "Hey, watch up!"
  • "I've got your back!"


  • "Shoot.."

Hinata (Bridal Beloveds)[]


  • "Name's Hinata! I'm a samurai from Hoshido. Keep your trap shut about the outfit—they made me put it on."


  • "If I ever settle down and have kids of my own, I'd want them to be samurai just like their pops!"
  • "Oboro and me were just arguing over who's more loyal to Lord Takumi... Heh. Some things never change, huh?"
  • "Might be hard to do katana training in this outfit. But hey, I'm not one to shrink from a challenge!"
  • "You like the duds? Oboro made them. She's from a kimono-making family, y'know!"
  • "I changed up my hairstyle for the occasion. Still looks OK, right? I gotta take care that it doesn't get mussed."
  • "Hey! Put your debauching face on! There's a big festival happening at Friend's castle! Why not come and join the party, Summoner?" (Greeting from friend)
  • "Listen, I'm gonna ask you something, and you gotta give it to me straight. Do I...look weird in these clothes? Because lemme tell ya, I sure FEEL weird in them! Even thinking about getting hitched makes my head hurt. My whole life's been about my katana, and serving Takumi. Never gave much thought to love. I know it's just in fun, but these fancy rags feel like a big joke, with me as the punchline! Ugh. Maybe I just gotta think of it as... practice. If I ever do find the right gal, I wanna make her happy, after all. Yeah! This festival's my chance to train up! I'm gonna learn how to be the groomiest groom there ever was!" (Upon reaching level 40)

Info Screen[]

  • "I'm Hinata, of Hoshido. *pause* See somethin' funny? Laugh it up!"
  • "Waaah! I'm... I'm off-kilter today. Must be the clothes."
  • "MARRIAGE? Look, I...I haven't given that any thought. J-just drop it. OK?"
  • "Lord Takumi's the one who should be wearing these clothes. He could pull this off, not me."
  • "I'm skipping training today. Don't want to get my stink on the formalwear."
  • "Yeesh... How did I get myself roped into wearing this getup?"
  • "Look, I don't really get the whole thing that's going on here, but… Whatever comes, I'll give you everything I've got."


  • "Got it!"
  • "I'll lead!"
  • "You sure?"

Level Up[]

  • "I put the grrr in groom!" (5-6 stats up)
  • "I'm getting used to this outfit!" (3-4 stats up)
  • "Aw, come on! Where's the love?" (1-2 stats up)
  • "You made an honest man outta me!" (New skill learned)


  • "Outta my way!"
  • "This, I vow!"
  • "Guess I better do this!"
  • "Get behind me!"


  • "Too soon..."