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With Male Avatar

C Support Edit

  • Ignatius: How can I protect everyone? I must be their shield.
  • Avatar: Ignatius? Are you OK? What are you muttering about?
  • Ignatius: Avatar? Sorry. It's nothing.
  • Avatar: It doesn't look like nothing. You're shivering! Are you feeling OK?
  • Ignatius: Of course. I'm not shivering. Like I said, it's nothing. Let's change the subject. How are you?
  • Avatar: Well, I'm fine. Thanks for asking.
  • Ignatius: We'll be heading into battle again soon. Are you prepared?
  • Avatar: Yes. It's difficult, but I'm always ready to fight.
  • Ignatius: Do you ever think about all the split-second decisions we have to make? One wrong move can be the difference between life and death. I just don't know if I can protect everyone. Excuse me.
  • Avatar: Wait! Ignatius! You dropped something.

B Support Edit

  • Ignatius: Ugh...
  • Avatar: Hey, Ignatius! I've got something for you.
  • Ignatius: Hmm? What is it?
  • Avatar: You dropped this the other day. I've been meaning to return it.
  • Ignatius: Oh! That. I was just going to throw that out.
  • Avatar: It's a good-luck charm, isn't it? Why were you going to toss it?
  • Ignatius: Because I'm a failure.
  • Avatar: What are you talking about?
  • Ignatius: Relying on good-luck charms is the sign of a weak-willed coward. And that's precisely what I am.
  • Avatar: Shut up, Ignatius.
  • Ignatius: Huh?
  • Avatar: It's called tough love. You're not a failure. You fight hard, and you have protected all of us.
  • Ignatius: You don't need to lie to comfort me.
  • Avatar: I'm telling the truth. Here. Please take this charm back. It appears valuable.
  • Ignatius: I wish I could believe you. Please dispose of the charm, and never speak of it again.
  • Avatar: Ignatius...

A Support Edit

  • Ignatius: No one will die on my watch...
  • Avatar: Hello, Ignatius. I trust you're feeling better?
  • Ignatius: Not exactly, I'm afraid. I apologize. I'm a pitiful sight again... Sitting here trying to psych myself up.
  • Avatar: Well, I'm sorry to hear you're still upset. But if it makes a difference, you appear perfectly fine to me.
  • Ignatius: Thank you for the kind words, but my problem persists. I am afraid every time I step onto the battlefield. What kind of warrior has feelings like this before each and every fight?
  • Avatar: Ignatius, every warrior I've ever known has felt the same way. Including myself. It's normal to be afraid. Fear can keep you alive. Fear can protect your loved ones.
  • Ignatius: Nonsense. A grown man, fondling a good-luck totem? Pathetic. At least I've had the fortitude to dispose of that ridiculous charm.
  • Avatar: Ignatius, you're far from pathetic. You're a hero in my eyes. I'm proud to step on the battlefield with you, because I know you have my back.
  • Ignatius: Do you really mean that, Avatar?
  • Avatar: Of course. That's why I saved this.
  • Ignatius: My charm? I thought I told you to throw it away.
  • Avatar: How could I throw something like this away? It looks old enough to have been in your family for generations.
  • Ignatius: It is true. My father made it for me when I was very young. Thank you, Avatar. I've gained a great deal of confidence today. And I'll be even stronger tomorrow. That I promise.
  • Avatar: I know you will, Ignatius. I'm counting on it.

With Female Avatar

C Support 

  • Avatar: Hello, Ignatius. What are you looking at?
  • Ignatius: Hmm? Avatar? Sory. I was just lost in thought.
  • Avatar: Oh. Well, sorry for interrupting you. Have a good day!
  • Ignatius: Wait.
  • Avatar: Hmm? What's wrong?
  • Ignatius: Look at that wall.
  • Avatar: What about it?
  • Ignatius: Don't you think that stain looks a bit like a creepy face?
  • Avatar: I suppose so, now that you mention it. It's just a water stain, though.
  • Ignatius: I'm sure you're right. A water stain. Of course. Pardon me.
  • Avatar: Pardon you for what?
  • Ignatius: I'm sure it's nothing...but would you mind terribly taking a closer look?
  • Avatar: At the wall? Why me? Can't you do it yourself?
  • Ignatius: I have, uh, some other things to attend to.
  • Avatar: Ignatius. Are you scared of that stain?
  • Ignatius Don't be foolish! I'd never be scared of a mere stain. THAT, on the other hand, might be a demon trapped on the physical world. So, yeah, I'm a little bit scared of it.
  • Avatar: Riiiight. Well, I have some things to do, so I'll see you later, Ignatius.
  • Ignatius: *whimper*

B Support 

  • Ignatius: Hey, Avatar. Can I ask you a question? Is there anything that frightens you?
  • Avatar: Yes, of course. I'm frightened every time I go into battle. What about you, Ignatius? Please tell me you weren't REALLY scared of that wall.
  • Ignatius: Well...There are a few things that make me pretty uncomfortable.
  • Avatar: Supernatural things?
  • Ignatius: I don't believe in supernatural things. But, unfortunately, that hasn't stopped me from fearing them.
  • Avatar: I see. It's a bit unexpected coming from you.
  • Ignatius: Are you laughing at me?
  • Avatar: No, of course not. Fear is normal. Healthy, even. Fear can keep you alive in battle.
  • Ignatius: Well, I wish my fears were more rational. How do you face your fears, Avatar?
  • Avatar: Anytime I have to do something that frightens me...I think about the people who mattered most in this world. When I remember what I'm fighting for, I feel a little braver.
  • Ignatius: Yes, that sounds great fro real, rational fears. I'm not sure whether it'll work on ghosts and wiggly bugs, though.
  • Avatar: We'll never know unless we try it out. C'mon!
  • Ignatius: I don't like the sound of this. What do you have in mind?
  • Avatar: There are some ruins not far from here that are supposed to be haunted. Every night, the local villagers claim they can hear a voice---a woman sobbing. I'm sure it's just the wind, but why don't we go investigate?
  • Ignatius: Why don't we leave well enough alone? That sounds terrifying?
  • Avatar: But aren't you curious? Whoooo... WHOOOO! That's what it probably sounds like!
  • Ignatius: Please, Avatar, I can't take it!

A Support

  • Avatar: Hello, Ignatius. Spending a little time staring down that demonic wall stain?
  • Ignatius: Yep.
  • Avatar: Does that mean you've conquered your fear of the supernatural?
  • Ignatius: I wouldn't say conquered, no. But I am working on it. I do know that this is just a stain. I've watched it long enough to be certain.
  • Avatar: That's great! Facing your fears isn't easy. How are you doing with ghosts and bugs?
  • Ignatius: I still don't like them very much. But, like I said, I'm working on it. There is something else that's been bothering me.
  • Avatar: Oh?
  • Ignatius: I think I can deal with my irrational fears. But you made me realize something. You spoke about how you think of your friends and family before battles... You said this gives you strength. I've found it terrifies me more than anything else!
  • Avatar: Oh, Ignatius...I didn't mean for my speech to have that effect.
  • Ignatius: It's not your fault. But I'm more scared than ever of losing a friend. Just think about it!
  • Avatar: I feel the same way, Ignatius. But this war isn't over. We don't know what will happen to any of us.
  • Ignatius: I know. And in a strange way, I feel stronger than I did before. I feel like I have the courage to protect the people who are important to me. Even if I have to sacrifice myself.
  • Avatar: Let's hope it never comes to that. But I'm glad to hear about your resolve. I think you're plenty brave, Ignatius.
  • Ignatius: Well, thank you, Avatar. Your friendship is what has made me stronger.

S Support

  • Ignatius: Avatar...I need to speak with you.
  • Avatar: Ignatius? What is it?
  • Ignatius: *sigh*
  • Avatar: What's wrong? You've gone as white as a ghost. Er, perhaps I could have phrased that better.
  • Ignatius: Don't worry. This has nothing to do with ghosts.
  • Avatar: What, then?
  • Ignatius: I'm just... nervous.
  • Avatar: Ignatius, you have nothing to be nervous about. It's just me! Go on. What's on your mind?
  • Ignatius: Very well. Look at this.
  • Avatar: Um...your fist is completely clenched. I can't see what you're holding.
  • Ignatius: I see. Well, let me just open my fingers... HRRRRGH!
  • Avatar: Ignatius! Your hand is shaking! What are you holding? It's not... some strange bug, is it?
  • Ignatius: A bug? Where? Get it off! Get it off!
  • Avatar: Argh! Just open your hand already!
  • Ignatius: OK, here goes nothing...
  • Avatar: Oh! It's a ring. It's beautiful.
  • Ignatius: Avatar... will you marry me?
  • Avatar: Oh!
  • Ignatius: I promise to protect you until the end of my days. So, um, what do you say?
  • Avatar: Ignatius...
  • Ignatius: Um, could I get an answer at some point here? I think I'm close to passing out...
  • Avatar: You promise to protect me?
  • Ignatius: Yes, I promise.
  • Avatar: What if a ghost attacks me? Will you protect me then?
  • Ignatius: You're... you're joking, right? Because ghosts don't exist. But if they did, and one was attacking you... that ghost would not be long for this world. Er, I mean... You know what I mean.
  • Avatar: I do, Ignatius. I do.
  • Ignatius: Wait, you mean you know what I mean? Or you'll marry me?
  • Avatar: Both, of course!
  • Ignatius: I used to be afraid of commitment. And then I met you.

With Female Avatar (Mother)

C Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Mother. I was wondering if you could help me with something...
  • Avatar: Of course, Ignatius. Simply name it.
  • Ignatius: You that I'm here it seems a little silly. Forget about it. I can take care of it.
  • Avatar: Hee hee...are the worms after the rain still troubling you? Or worse, a spider?
  • Ignatius: It was a spider riding a worm. If it had just been a spider OR a worm. I could have handled it-I swear!
  • Avatar: It takes bravery to ask for help, you know. I'm happy to handle it for you.
  • Ignatius: Yes, but...please do NOT squish them. Just take them somewhere far, far away. This will be the last time-I promise.
  • Avatar: Keep trying, and someday it really will be the last time. But until then, you can always bring your troubles to me. I'm your mother.
  • Ignatius: I know. I really am working up the courage to handle my own bugs, you know?
  • Avatar: It's the working that counts, I think. I'll go squash that bug and be right back.
  • Ignatius: No, I said DON'T squish them! I don't want bug guts on my things!

B Support

  • Ignatius: Good day, Mother. Do you have a moment?
  • Avatar: Yes, there's nothing pressing going on right now. Why, is there a bee in your bonnet? A fly in your ointment?
  • Ignatius: No! I told you, I'm going to deal with my own bugs from now on. Why, just the other day a ladybug landed on my forearm... And, through gritted teeth, I was able to gently brush it away.
  • Avatar: Oh. Then what's your trouble?
  • Ignatius: Well, it's about my tent. There's something wrong with it.
  • Avatar: The moths haven't gotten at it, have they? I'd hate for you to catch a chill.
  • Ignatius: No, the fabric is intact. It's just... I believe my tent is haunted. As I was drifting off to sleep, I was sure I could see a face staring at me!
  • Avatar: Heehee...I hope it's not haunted by all those bugs I've squished.
  • Ignatius: MOTHER! That's not funny.
  • Avatar: You're right-that was a cheap shot. Think it's a malevolent specter? Do you want me to drive it out?
  • Ignatius: I mean, I don't believe in evil spirits. I know they don't exist, but... What if they do?
  • Avatar: If they do, then you'll beat them back like you do any other adversary. I've never known you to shy away from a fight. Only from a mite.
  • Ignatius: I'm sorry. You're right. I shouldn't be afraid. I wish I wasn't so cowardly about these things.
  • Avatar: It's not cowardly at all. Everyone's afraid of something. What's important is not letting it rule you.
  • Igantius: Really? You mean that?
  • Avatar: Of course. It's all right to be afraid as long as you face those fears head on. Which, from all that I've seen, you do.
  • Ignatius: Heh. Well, thank you, Mother.
  • Avatar: I haven't seen your tent in some time, now that I think about it. Do you still sleep with the stuffed animals that I remember from your youth?
  • Ignatius: Yes, what of it?
  • Avatar: *shudder* I never understood why you were so fond of those. Some of them had the most hideous faces.
  • Ignatius: Oh. OH! Never mind.

A Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Mother. I have something for you.
  • Avatar: I recognize this. It's one of those charms you make for people, right?
  • Igantius: Yes. It's meant to bring you good luck.
  • Avatar: It's a very thoughtful gift. But is there something you're trying to say with this?
  • Ignatius: It's just... I don't want you to die.
  • Avatar: Ignatius...
  • Ignatius: I know I shouldn't worry about it, but... I get scared every time you fight. If something were to happen to you...
  • Avatar: Oh, Ignatius. There are so many good people working to protect me.
  • Ignatius: Yes, and I know they'd never let anything happen to you. But I still worry. You're the only person who accepts me just the way I am. I...I just can't stand the thought of losing you.
  • Avatar: Is that what's worrying you? Because all those people working to protect me... They'd fight just as fiercely for you. Haven't you ever noticed how everyone in this army comes to one another's aid? Whether it's in or out of battle, we're here for each other. We're here for you.
  • Ignatius: You're right. Of course.
  • Avatar: So don't be frightened. Though you and I must part someday, someone else will be there to carry you. Though you and I must part someday, someone else will be there to carry you.
  • Ignatius: I know. I'll try to be stronger. I'm sorry if I worried you.
  • Avatar: Don't be. Worrying about you is one of my highest priorities.
  • Ignatius: All right, all right. Just...promise me you'll live a long, healthy life, OK?
  • Avatar: I'll be with you for a long time still to come, my darling son.

With Azura (Mother)

C Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Mother. I was wondering if you could help me with something...
  • Azura: Oh, hello, Ignatius. What is it you need?
  • Ignatius: You that I'm here it seems a little silly. Forget about it. I can take care of it.
  • Azura: Heehee. Don't tell me you saw a spider again. Or a worm, maybe?
  • Ignatius: It was a spider riding a worm. If it had just been a spider OR a worm, I could have handled it—I swear!
  • Azura: It's OK, Ignatius. We all have our phobias. Do you want me to take care of it?
  • Ignatius: Yes, but...please do NOT squish them. Just take them somewhere far, far away. This will be the last time—I promise.
  • Azura: I'm sure it will. But just in case it isn't, I'll always have time to help my son.
  • Ignatius: I know. I really am working up the courage to handle my own bugs, you know?
  • Azura: You'll get there someday. But until that day comes... you can come to me anytime to stomp on those scary bugs for you.
  • Ignatius: No, I said DON'T squish them! I don't want bug guts on my things!

B Support

  • Ignatius: Good day, Mother. Do you have a moment?
  • Azura: Always. What's wrong, Ignatius? Is something crawling around in your tent again?
  • Ignatius: No! I told you, I'm going to deal with my own bugs from now on. Why, just the other day a ladybug landed on my forearm... And, through gritted teeth, I was able to gently brush it away.
  • Azura: That's wonderful! But if it's not an insect problem, then what's troubling you?
  • Ignatius: Well, it is about my tent. There's something wrong with it.
  • Azura: Oh dear, it's not leaky, is it? I'd hate for you to catch a chill.
  • Ignatius: No, the fabric is intact. It's just... I believe my tent is haunted. As I was drifting off to sleep, I was sure I could see a face staring at me!
  • Azura: Heehee... A face, you say? You're sure it wasn't a friendly caterpillar?
  • Ignatius: MOTHER! That's not funny.
  • Azura: My apologies, Ignatius. Do you think it's an evil spirit? Shall we drive it out?
  • Ignatius: I mean, I don't believe in evil spirits. I know they don't exist, but... What if they do?
  • Azura: Even if they do... I'd say you're a strong enough boy to make them think twice about haunting you.
  • Ignatius: I'm sorry. You're right. I shouldn't be afraid. I wish I wasn't so cowardly about these things.
  • Azura: Oh, Ignatius... Having a phobia doesn't make you a coward. No coward could do the things I've seen you do in battle.
  • Ignatius: Really? You mean that?
  • Azura: Absolutely. Never mind the ghosts and spiders—you're brave when it counts.
  • Ignatius: Heh. Well, thank you, Mother.
  • Azura: Speaking of bravery... Do you still keep those stuffed animals in your tent?
  • Ignatius: Yes, what of it?
  • Azura: Because it occurs to me there might be another explanation for a face in the night.
  • Ignatius: Oh. OH! Never mind.

A Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Mother. I have something for you.
  • Azura: What a lovely charm. Is this one of the ones you made?
  • Ignatius: Yes. It's meant to bring you good luck.
  • Azura: I'll keep it with me always. What brought this on, if I might ask?
  • Ignatius: It's just... I don't want you to die.
  • Azura: Ignatius...
  • Ignatius: I know I shouldn't worry about it, but... I get scared every time you fight. If something were to happen to you...
  • Azura: I understand your concern. I fear for my own life sometimes, too. But I'm surrounded by so many people who support me that it all turns out OK.
  • Ignatius: Yes, and I know they'd never let anything happen to you. But I still worry. You're the only person who accepts me just the way I am. I...I just can't stand the thought of losing you.
  • Azura: Are you sure about that, Ignatius? I wonder if you aren't assuming people will be as critical of you as you are. I think you'd find if you opened up a bit more, they'd accept you with open arms.
  • Ignatius: You're right. Of course.
  • Azura: So you needn't be afraid of losing me. Even if the time comes for us to say good-bye... there will be others who care for you.
  • Ignatius: I know. I'll try to be stronger. I'm sorry if I worried you.
  • Azura: I've been worrying about you since the day you were born, Ignatius. It's what a mother does. You may as well apologize for the sun rising each morning.
  • Ignatius: I see your point. Just...promise me you'll live a long, healthy life, OK?
  • Azura: Anything for you, my love.

With Felicia (Mother)

C Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Mother. I was wondering if you could help me with something...
  • Felicia: Hi, Ignatius! I'll do my best. What is it?
  • Ignatius: You that I'm here it seems a little silly. Forget about it. I can take care of it.
  • Felicia: No, no, I can handle it! Is it some spider or worm? What are we looking at?
  • Ignatius: It's a spider riding a worm. If it had just been a spider OR a worm, I could have handled it-I swear!
  • Felicia: You don't have to justify yourself to me! I know you struggle with these things. I can't count all the bugs I've had to squish since you were a child.
  • Ignatius: Oh, gods... Please do NOT squish them. Just take them somewhere far, far away. This will be the last time-I promise.
  • Felicia: I know, dear. But you shouldn't be ashamed of coming to your mother. I love to help my son!
  • Ignatius: I know. I really am working up the courage to handle my own bugs, you know?
  • Felicia: You'll get there, Ignatius! Someday. Shall we head for your tent to squish those bugs?
  • Ignatius: No, I said DON'T squish them! I don't want bug guts on my things!

B Support

  • Ignatius: Good day, Mother. Do you have a moment?
  • Felicia: Yes! Is everything OK? Uh-oh, did a bug get into your sleeping bag again? I'll go fetch my broom!
  • Ignatius: No! I told you, I'm going to deal with my own bugs from now on. Why, just the other day a ladybug landed on my forearm... And, through gritted teeth, I was able to gently brush it away.
  • Felicia: You've come so far! But then what do you need me for?
  • Ignatius: Well, it is about my tent. There's something wrong with it.
  • Felicia: Is the clasp stuck? Sometimes you have to wiggle it a little when that happens.
  • Ignatius: No, the clasp is fine. It's just...I believe my tent is haunted. As I was drifting off to sleep, I was sure I could see a face staring at me!
  • Felicia: Heehee... Are you sure it was an evil spirit? Maybe it was a friendly ghost!
  • Ignatius: MOTHER! That's not funny.
  • Felicia: I'm sorry, dear. I don't know what came over me. All right! Let's waste no time sending that poltergeist packing!
  • Ignatius: I mean, I don't believe in evil spirits. I know they don't exist, but... What if they do?
  • Felicia: Oh, I bet they'd be more scared of you than you are of them. You know, I remember you being scared of this ever since you were small.
  • Ignatius: I'm sorry. I know it's a baseless fear. You must be disappointed to have raised a coward.
  • Felicia: Oh, no, no! Don't apologize! I was about to say that I love seeing some of the boy I knew before our time apart.
  • Ignatius: Really? You mean that?
  • Felicia: Absolutely! When you're older, you'll see what I'm talking about. And even when you're older, you'll still be my cute little Ignatius.
  • Ignatius: Heh. Well, thank you, Mother.
  • Felicia: Hmm...whatever happened to those stuffed animals you used to love? Do you still cuddle up them at night?
  • Ignatius: Yes, what of it?
  • Felicia: I was thinking maybe if you saw a face in your tent, and it wasn't yours, then...
  • Ignatius: Oh. OH! Never mind.

A Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Mother. I have something for you.
  • Felicia: Did you make this, Ignatius? It's pretty!
  • Ignatius: I did. It's meant to bring you good luck.
  • Felicia: I'll be sure to keep it with me, then! What made you decide to craft it now?
  • Ignatius: It's just... I don't want you to die.
  • Felicia: Awww...
  • Ignatius: I know I shouldn't worry about it, but... I get scared every time you fight. If something were to happen to you... You're the only person who accepts me just the way I am. I...I just can't stand the thought of losing you.
  • Felicia: Oh no! Oh dear! Please don't look so sad, Ignatius! There are so many people who love you just the way you are! Think about it. We're surrounded by friends and family! You really think I'm the ONLY one who cares about you? Far from it!
  • Ignatius: You're right. Of course.
  • Felicia: So don't be scared! Even if you lose me... You'll have everyone else to pick up the slack!
  • Ignatius: I know. I'll try to be stronger. I'm sorry if I worried you.
  • Felicia: You didn't! That's what I'm saying, dear. I'm not worried if you startle at spiders or flee from ghosts. It's what makes you you.
  • Igantius: All right, I get it. Just promise me that you'll live a long, healthy life, OK?
  • Felicia: I solemnly swear to keep working hard until I'm old and gray!

With Mozu (Mother)

C Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Mother. I was wondering if you could help me with something...
  • Mozu: Sure, honey. Watcha need?
  • Ignatius: You that I'm here it seems a little silly. Forget about it. I can take care of it.
  • Mozu: Some old worm or spider find it's way into your tent and give you the heebie-jeebies?
  • Ignatius: It's a spider riding a worm. If it had just been a spider OR a worm, I could have handled it-I swear!
  • Mozu: I don't mind taking care of it! I'm used to smooshing those little critters by now.
  • Ignatius: Oh, gods... Please do NOT squish them. Just take them somewhere far, far away. This will be the last time-I promise.
  • Mozu: Just like last time was the last time, right, honey? I'm your mother, and you're my child, and I deal with the bugs for you. Any mother worth her salt would do the same.
  • Ignatius: I know. I really am working up the courage to handle my own bugs, you know?
  • Mozu: Heehee... I heard you the first time. Just point the way to your tent, and we'll get that no-good critter smooshed.
  • Ignatius: No, I said DON'T squish them! I don't want bug guts on my things!

B Support

  • Ignatius: Good day, Mother. Do you have a moment?
  • Mozu: I sure do. Is there a bee in your bonnet?
  • Ignatius: No! I told you. I'm going to deal with my own bugs from now on. Why, just the the other day a ladybug landed on my forearm... And, through gritted teeth, I was able to gently brush it away.
  • Mozu: Then what can I help you with?
  • Ignatius: Well, it is about my tent. There's something wrong with it.
  • Mozu: Is it drafty? Sometimes mice will chew at the seams, you know.
  • Ignatius: No, the fabric is intact. It's just... I believe my tent is haunted. As I was drifting off to sleep, I was sure I could see a face staring at me!
  • Mozu: A face, huh? Was it a cute face? Maybe you got a secret admirer!
  • Ignatius: MOTHER! That's not funny.
  • Mozu: Well, if you want, I can come and help exorcise your ghoulfriend.
  • Ignatius: I mean, I don't believe in evil spirits. I know they don't exist, but... What if they do?
  • Mozu: Heehee... It tickles me how you're not scared of anything but bugs and ghosts. It's been the same ever since you were knee high.
  • Ignatius: I'm sorry. I know you'd never flinch at this. You must be disappointed to have raised a coward.
  • Mozu: I don't see anything to be sorry about. A mother like to see things that remind her that her son is still her son.
  • Ignatius: Really? You mean that?
  • Mozu: I sure do! Someday you'll look at your own kids and feel the same way! "That's my girl," you'll think, just like I look at you and think "that's my boy."
  • Ignatius: Heh. Well, thank you. Mother.
  • Mozu: I remember how you used to cry to let you go of your stuffed animals. You still have those?
  • Ignatius: Yes, what of it?
  • Mozu: Nothing! Just struck me that if your tent is feeling crowded at night...
  • Ignatius: Oh. OH! Never mind.

A Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Mother. I have something for you.
  • Mozu: A gift? For me? Ooh, this looks handmade!
  • Ignatius: Yes. It's a charm, meant to bring you good luck.
  • Mozu: Thanks, honey! Seems a little out of the blue, though.
  • Ignatius: It's just... I don't want you to die.
  • Mozu: Oh...
  • Ignatius: I know I shouldn't worry about it, but... I get scared every time you fight. If something were to happen to you...
  • Mozu: Oh, honey... You know I'd never let what happened to me happen to my own child.
  • Ignatius: Yes, and I know you've become a formidable fighter. But I still worry. You're the only person who accepts me just the way I am. I...I just can't stand the thought of losing you.
  • Mozu: That's crazy talk! Don't you know how many other people around here are wild about you? Am I really the only one who comes to mind when you think of people who care for you? If I am, you've got a surprise in store!
  • Ignatius: You're right. Of course.
  • Mozu: So don't sweat it, honey. If the worst happens, and you lose me... You'll come to find out that you can make it through just fine. And it'll be thanks to all the good folk around you, helping you pick up the pieces.
  • Ignatius: I know. I'll try to be stronger. I'm sorry if I worried you.
  • Mozu: Heehee... I've been your mother so long that it's just water off a duck's back.
  • Ignatius: Very well... Just promise me that you'll live a long, healthy life, OK?
  • Mozu: I'll do what I can!

With Camilla (Mother)

C Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Mother. I was wondering if you could help me with something…
  • Camilla: Dearest Ignatius. What is it you need from your mother?
  • Ignatius: You know…now that I'm here it seems a little silly. Forget about it. I can take care of it.
  • Camilla: Oh, my child. You're not still letting a little spider or worm get to you, are you?
  • Ignatius: It's a spider riding a worm. If it had just been a spider OR a worm, I could have handled it—I swear!
  • Camilla: I worry about you sometimes. This is not the 1st time you’ve needed me to squish a bug. It isn’t even the 10th.
  • Ignatius: Oh, gods… Please do NOT squish them. Just take them somewhere far, far away. This will be the last time—I promise.
  • Camilla: Oh, my child… You may put on a brave face for the rest of the world. But I am your mother, and you will forever be my baby boy. I'll always understand if you need to come to me for help.
  • Ignatius: I know. I really am working up the courage to handle my own bugs, you know?
  • Camilla: I don’t doubt it in the slightest. Now then, where are the insects that need squishing?
  • Ignatius: No, I said DON’T squish them! I don’t want bug guts on my things!

B Support

  • Ignatius: Good day, Mother. Do you have a moment?
  • Camilla: For you, dearest? Always, what is it? Another bug to vanquish?
  • Ignatius: No! I told you, I'm going to deal with my own bugs from now on. Why, just the other day a ladybug landed on my forearm... And, through gritted teeth, I was able to gently brush it away.
  • Camilla: Well done, dearest! But if that's the case... What's on your mind?
  • Ignatius: Well, it is about my tent. There's something wrong with it.
  • Camilla: Was it torn in a training exercise? I warned those soldiers not to get too close.
  • Ignatius: No, the fabric is intact. It's just... I believe my tent is haunted. As I was drifting off to sleep, I was sure I could see a face staring at me!
  • Camilla: Oh, my. I can see where that might be disturbing. Eyes that never close...lips dawn in a tight line...nostrils flaring periodically.
  • Ignatius: MOTHER! That's not funny.
  • Camilla: Don't fret, dearest. I'll rid your tent of any evil spirit haunting it.
  • Ignatius: I mean, I don't believe in evil spirits. I know they don't exist, but... What if they do?
  • Camilla: Ha ha... You're just the scaredy-cat now that you were as a little one.
  • Ignatius: I'm sorry. You've always been so imposing. You must be disappointed to have raised a coward.
  • Camilla: I didn't mean it in a negative sense. Quite the contrary. Though you've grown into a brave warrior, the flashes of your old self make me smile.
  • Ignatius: Really? You mean that?
  • Camilla: Yes. Strange though it may seem, you'll understand once you're my age. And even then, you'll still be an adorable baby boy in my eyes.
  • Ignatius: Heh. Well, thank you, Mother.
  • Camilla: Come to think of it, whatever happened to the stuffed animals you kept? Do you still have them?
  • Ignatius: Yes, what of it?
  • Camilla: I was just reminiscing on their cute faces. Though I imagine in a certain light, they may not seem as cute.
  • Ignatius: Oh. OH! Never mind.

A Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Mother. I have something for you.
  • Camilla: Ah! This is one of those charms you make as a hobby?
  • Ignatius: Yes. It's meant to bring you good luck.
  • Camilla: It's a lovely gift, dearest. What's the occasion, if I might ask?
  • Ignatius: It's just... I don't want you to die.
  • Camilla: Oh, my child...
  • Ignatius: I know I shouldn't worry about it, but... I get scared every time you fight. If something were to happen to you...
  • Camilla: My child... I wouldn't worry so much about that if I were you. Or need I remind you how many battles your mother has seen?
  • Ignatius: Yes, and I know tough you are. But I still worry. You're the only person who accepts me just the way I am. I...I just can't stand the thought of losing you.
  • Camilla: Dearest, you know that I care about you very much. But I am not so unique in that regard as you might think. Breathe deeply, try to relax, and think of all people you know. At least some of them accept you as you are, no? There are so many darling people here that I would be shocked if none did...
  • Ignatius: You're right. Of course.
  • Camilla: So you needn't harbor these silly fears. Even when you and I say our farewells, your life will be full of those who care for you.
  • Ignatius: I know. I'll try to be stronger. I'm sorry if I worried you.
  • Camilla: Ha ha... I'm accustomed to it by now, dearest. Shall I count the ways in which I had to pick up after you when you were young?
  • Ignatius: Mother! I get it. Just promise me that you'll live a long, healthy life, OK?
  • Camilla: Well...not so long that I grow bent and wrinkled, one hopes. But yes, I promise that the two of us will spend many happy years together.

With Elise (Mother)

C Support 

  • Ignatius: Hello, Mother. I was wondering if you could help me with something.
  • Elise: Sure! Watcha got?
  • Ignatius: You that I'm here it seems a little silly. Forget about it. I can take care of it.
  • Elise: Is it a slithery, slimy worm? A creepy, crawly spider?!
  • Ignatius: It's a spider riding a worm. If it had been a spider OR a worm, I could have handled it-I swear!
  • Elise: Say no more! You just stay right here, and I'll have it squished in a jiffy!
  • Ignatius: Oh, gods...please do NOT squish them. Just take them somewhere far, far away. This will be the last time-I promise.
  • Elise: Aww, you sound so brave. Even though I can see your lips quivering... You're my son! You can always ask me for help if the bugs get too close for comfort.
  • Ignatius: I know. I really am working up the courage to handle my own bugs, you know?
  • Elise: I'm sure you are, sweetie. Now why don't we go squish those awful bugs, hmmm?
  • Ignatius: No, I said DON'T squish them! I don't want bug guts on my things!

B Support 

  • Ignatius: Good day, Mother. Do you have a moment?
  • Elise: I have lots of moments! What's up? Did you feel all the teeny-tiny legs of a bug on your skin again at night?
  • Ignatius: No! I told you, I'm going to deal with my own bugs from now on. Why, just the other day a ladybug landed on my forearm... And, through gritted teeth, I was able to gently brush it away.
  • Elise: Wow! Nice job! Hmm... I'm out of guesses, then!
  • Ignatius: Well, it is about my tent. There's something wrong with it.
  • Elise: Uh-oh. Is there a hole in it? Are you scared the bugs will get in that way?
  • Ignatius: No, the fabric is intact. It's just... I believe my tent is haunted. As I was drifting off to sleep, I was sure I could see a face staring at me!
  • Elise: Pfffft... Was it sticking it's tongue out at you?
  • Ignatius: MOTHER! That's not funny.
  • Elise: Heeheehee. It kind of was, though... OK! Wanna go bust that ghostie together?
  • Ignatius: I mean, I don't believe in evil spirits. I know they don't exist, but... What if they do?
  • Elise: Awww. I remember you saying the same things when you were really little. You haven't changed a bit since then!
  • Ignatius: I'm sorry. It's embarrassing that I still need your help, of all people's, to deal with this.
  • Elise: Embarrassing why? I like having a son who still needs me for stuff! Even if it's silly!
  • Ignatius: Really? You mean that?
  • Elise: Yep! You'll see what I mean someday when you have kids of your own. And I hope when you do, you'll still be my li'l cutie pie!
  • Ignatius: Heh. Well, thank you, Mother.
  • Elise: Speaking of cutie pies, do you still sleep with your stuffed critters?
  • Ignatius: Yes, what of it?
  • Elise: Awwww! I always thought that on kitty had the cutest whiskers on its face.
  • Ignatius: I never like the look of that one's face myself. It gave me the...the creeps...oh. OH! Never mind.

A Support 

  • Ignatius: Hello, Mother. I have something for you.
  • Elise: Oooh! Did you make me one of your little charms?
  • Ignatius: Yes. It's meant to bring you good luck.
  • Elise: That's so sweet of you! Is there some special occasion?
  • Ignatius: It's just... I don't want you to die.
  • Elise: Awww, honey...
  • Ignatius: I know I shouldn't worry about it, but... I get scared every time you fight. If something were to happen to you...
  • Elise: Don't worry! I have good friends, a loving husband, and a sweet son looking after me!
  • Ignatius: Yes, and we all do our best to look after one another. But I still worry. You're the only person who accepts me just the way I am. I...I just can't stand the thought of losing you.
  • Elise:'re looking at this all wrong. I know I wont always be around to play with you. Nothing lasts forever. But there are so many people for you to play with instead! If you get to know some of them better, it won't feel so bad when I'm gone.
  • Ignatius: You're right. Of course.
  • Elise: So don't be so scared. Even when we're apart, you'll have lots of friends!
  • Ignatius: I know. I'll try to be stronger, I'm sorry if I worried you.
  • Elise: I worry about you all the time, silly! You don't have to be sorry about that. I worry you're not eating enough, I worry you'll get sick, I worry your armor's dirty...
  • Ignatius: Mother! I get it. Just promise me that you'll live a long, healthy life, OK?
  • Elise: Sure! I'm just getting started in life-I'm not going anywhere for a long, long time!

With Peri (Mother)

C Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Mother. I was wondering if you could help me with something...
  • Peri: With what?
  • Ignatius: You know... now that I'm here it seems a little silly. Forget about it. I can take care of it.
  • Peri: Some little critter crawled into your tent, right? A worm or spider or something?
  • Ignatius: It's a spider riding a worm. If it had just been a spider OR a worm, I could have handled it- I swear!
  • Peri: Don't worry, dear Ignatius. Smashing bugs is the kind of thing I excel at.
  • Ignatius: Oh, gods... Please do NOT smash them. Just take them somewhere far, far away. This will be the last time- I promise.
  • Peri: Mm-hm. You can try to act tough if that's what you want. But your mother will always know you as her helpless baby boy. Whatever you need smashed, whether it's enemy soldiers or spiders, just ask.
  • Ignatius: I know. I really am working up the courage to handle my own bugs, you know?
  • Peri: Heehee... Suuuure you are. Until then, let's get exterminating!
  • Ignatius: No, I said DON'T smash them! I don't want bug guts on my things!

B Support

  • Ignatius: Good day, Mother. Do you have a moment?
  • Peri: Sure. Why, what's wrong? More bugs in the bedroll?
  • Ignatius: No! I told you, I'm going to deal with my own bugs from now on. Why, just the other day a ladybug landed on my forearm... And, through gritted teeth, I was able to gently brush it away.
  • Peri: OK. But I'm not hearing a problem.
  • Ignatius: Well, it is about my tent. There's something wrong with it.
  • Peri: What, does it need fixing? I've never been a great seamstress.
  • Ignatius: No, the fabric is intact. It's just... I believe my tent is haunted. As I was drifting off to sleep, I was sure I could see a face staring at me!
  • Peri: Heh heh... Just a regular face? Or were its eyes bulging and veins popping and—
  • Ignatius: MOTHER! That's not funny.
  • Peri: All right, all right. We can go deal with the big, bad phantom together.
  • Ignatius: I mean, I don't believe in evil spirits. I know they don't exist, but... What if they do?
  • Peri: Heh heh. I've heard this before. The thought of spooks used to have you quaking in your boots as a kid, too.
  • Ignatius: I'm sorry. I know you'd never let anything so trivial get to you. You must be disappointed to have raised a coward.
  • Peri: Oh, don't go sulking. It's nice to see your kids grow up, but it's also kinda nice to see them stay the same.
  • Ignatius: Really? You mean that?
  • Peri: Yep! You'll get it one day. Besides, you're not a coward. I'd be MUCH more disappointed if you were.
  • Ignatius: Heh. Well, thank you, Mother.
  • Peri: Now I'm curious—do you still need those stuffed animals to get to sleep?
  • Ignatius: Yes, what of it?
  • Peri: Hmph. You ought to get rid of them. They'd freak me out when I used to check up on you at night.
  • Ignatius: Did they? I see... OH! I see. Never mind.

A Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Mother. I have something for you.
  • Peri: This is one of the charms you make for people, huh?
  • Ignatius: Yes. It's meant to bring you good luck.
  • Peri: That'll come in handy! Although...should I be worried?
  • Ignatius: It's just... I don't want you to die.
  • Peri: Oh, Iggy.
  • Ignatius: I know I shouldn't worry about it, but... I get scared every time you fight. If something were to happen to you...
  • Peri: Hah! Not much happens to me. I'm usually what happens to the other guy.
  • Ignatius: Yes... I've seen the grisly aftermath. But I still worry. You're the only person who accepts me just the way I am. I...I just can't stand the thought of losing you.
  • Peri: Well... I appreciate the thought, but... my number's gonna come up someday. So you should be prepared for the worst.
  • Ignatius: You're right. Of course.
  • Peri: But it's not all bad! Your dad cares about you, and so do all your friends. I'm not the only one in the world who loves you for what you are. So chin up!
  • Ignatius: I know. I'll try to be stronger. I'm sorry if I worried you.
  • Peri: Whatever. Worrying about you is old hat by now. What kind of mother would I be if I didn't worry? A bad mother. A terrible, unloving—
  • Ignatius: Mother! I get it. Just promise me that you'll live a long, healthy life, OK?
  • Peri: Long and healthy, huh? I can get behind that idea. It's a deal, Son!

With Selena (Mother)

C Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Mother. I was wondering if you could help me with something...
  • Selena: What do you need this time?
  • Ignatius: You that I'm here it seems a little silly. Forget about it. I can take care of it.
  • Selena: Some stupid bug, right? A worm or a spider or whatever.
  • Ignatius: It's a spider riding a worm. If it had just been a spider OR a worm, I could have handled it, I swear!
  • Selena: Figures. You never come running unless it's a bug problem. You want I should step on 'em or do the catch-and-release thing?
  • Ignatius: Oh, gods...please do NOT squish them. Just take them somewhere far, far away. This will be the last time, I promise.
  • Selena: *snort* I'll believe THAT when I see it. But that's what I'm here for. To do the silly little things you can't seem to do yourself.
  • Ignatius: I know. I really am working up the courage to handle my own bugs, you know?
  • Selena: Gods, how many times have I heard that... Anyway, let's go squish a bug!
  • Ignatius: No, I said DON'T squish them! I don't want bug guts on my things!

B Support

  • Ignatius: Good day, Mother. Do you have a moment?
  • Selena: I guess. What's the problem? Need an ally in the war against the insect kingdom?
  • Ignatius: No! I told you, I'm going to deal with my own bugs from now on. Why, just the other day a ladybug landed on my forearm... And, through gritted teeth, I was able to gently brush it away.
  • Selena: So...what, then?
  • Ignatius: Well, it is about my tent. There's something wrong with it.
  • Selena: Did you pitch it inside out? I did that once, and it took me way too long to figure out.
  • Ignatius: No, it is properly deployed. It's just... I believe my tent is haunted. As I was drifting off to sleep, I was sure I could see a face staring at me!
  • Selena: A face. Like, an actual face. Staring at you. From inside your tent?
  • Ignatius: MOTHER! I'm serious.
  • Selena: Yeah, I see that. And you want me to get rid of the ghost, right?
  • Ignatius: I mean, I don't believe in evil spirits. I know they don't exist, but... What if they do?
  • Selena: Heehee. This is starting to sound familiar. You were easily spooked as a little kid, and it looks like you still are today.
  • Ignatius: I'm sorry. I know this seems beneath you. You must be disappointed to have raised a coward.
  • Selena: Well, you don't need to pout about it! What I MEANT is, it's nice to see some things stay the same.
  • Ignatius: Really? You mean that?
  • Selena: Yeah. You get to my age, you start to appreciate the fixed things in life. Hopefully, you being my cute li'l Iggy is one of those.
  • Ignatius: Heh. Well, thank you, Mother.
  • Selena: On a related subject—is your bed still full to bursting with stuffed animals?
  • Ignatius: Yes, what of it?
  • Selena: Awww! I always loved those little guys. Though from the sounds of're not seeing eye to eye with them these days.
  • Ignatius: "Eye to eye"...? Oh. OH! Never mind.

A Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Mother. I have something for you.
  • Selena: Looks...handmade. One of your charms?
  • Ignatius: Yes. It's meant to bring you good luck.
  • Selena: A nice gesture. But why all of a sudden?
  • Ignatius: It's just... I don't want you to die.
  • Selena: Oh, kid.
  • Ignatius: I know I shouldn't worry about it, but... I get scared every time you fight. If something were to happen to you...
  • Selena: Pretttty sure nothing will.
  • Ignatius: Yes, I know, but...I still worry. You're the only person who accepts me just the way I am. I...I just can't stand the thought of losing you.
  • Selena: Oh, don't make that face. I know for a fact I'm NOT the only one who accepts you just like you are. Think about it for half a second! Doesn't anyone come to mind? With all the softies around here, one of them is bound to care about you.
  • Ignatius: You're right. Of course.
  • Selena: So enough with the puppy-dog eyes! Even if I'm gone someday, you'll have other people looking out for you.
  • Ignatius: I know. I'll try to be stronger. I'm sorry if I worried you.
  • Selena: Kid, I got fed up with being fed up with worrying about you long, long ago.
  • Ignatius: Ouch...very well. Just promise me that you'll live a long, healthy life, OK?
  • Selena: Heh... Sure, why not?

With Beruka (Mother)

C Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Mother. I was wondering if you could help me with something...
  • Beruka: Name it.
  • Ignatius: You that I'm here it seems a little silly. Forget about it. I can take care of it.
  • Beruka: A worm, right? Or a spider. Either way, I'll eliminate the threat.
  • Ignatius: It's a spider riding a worm. If it had just been a spider OR a worm, I could have handled it—I swear!
  • Beruka: Not in my experience. But leave the squishing to me. I'll make it painless.
  • Ignatius: Oh, gods... Please do NOT squish them. Just take them somewhere far, far away. This will be the last time—I promise.
  • Beruka: Heh. I know my son better than that. Just know you can always come to me.
  • Ignatius: I know. I really am working up the courage to handle my own bugs, you know?
  • Beruka: Good luck with that. Now, where's this bug I need to neutralize?
  • Ignatius: No, I said DON'T squish them! I don't want bug guts on my things!

B Support

  • Ignatius: Good day, Mother. Do you have a moment?
  • Beruka: I do. Why? Ah... Another worm infiltrated your tent?
  • Ignatius: No! I told you, I'm going to deal with my own bugs from now on. Why, just the other day a ladybug landed on my forearm... And, through gritted teeth, I was able to gently brush it away.
  • Beruka: What, then?
  • Ignatius: Well, it is about my tent. There's something wrong with it.
  • Beruka: Does it stand out too much? I could give you some advice on blending in.
  • Ignatius: There's nothing outwardly wrong. It's just... I believe my tent is haunted. As I was drifting off to sleep, I was sure I could see a face staring at me!
  • Beruka: Maybe it was the face of all the bugs I've eliminated for you. Karmic justice.
  • Ignatius: MOTHER! That's not funny.
  • Beruka: Sorry. I'll get to the bottom of this.
  • Ignatius: I mean, I don't believe in evil spirits. I know they don't exist, but... What if they do?
  • Beruka: Heh. If they threatened you, then I'd eliminate them. I've been telling you since you were a kid. You don't need to worry with me around.
  • Ignatius: I'm sorry. You've always been so no-nonsense. You must be disappointed to have raised a coward.
  • Beruka: Don't be sorry. It's weird,'s comforting to see how some things never change.
  • Ignatius: Really? You mean that?
  • Beruka: Yes. Maybe you'll understand someday, and maybe you won't. Either way, you're my kid. That's another thing that'll never change.
  • Ignatius: Heh. Well, thank you, Mother.
  • Beruka: Do you still keep those stuffed animals around? Has that changed?
  • Ignatius: I do. What of it?
  • Beruka: Heh. Next time you see a face, reach out for it. It might be softer than you think.
  • Ignatius: Oh. OH! Never mind.

A Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Mother. I have something for you.
  • Beruka: It's nice. You made this?
  • Ignatius: Yes. It's meant to bring you good luck.
  • Beruka: That could be helpful. But what makes you think I need luck?
  • Ignatius: It's just... I don't want you to die.
  • Beruka: Oh. Um.
  • Ignatius: I know I shouldn't worry about it, but... I get scared every time you fight. If something were to happen to you...
  • Beruka: Unlikely.
  • Ignatius: Yes, I know you can handle yourself. But I still worry. You're the only person who accepts me just the way I am. I...I just can't stand the thought of losing you.
  • Beruka: I'm sorry, Ignatius. I wish I could promise I'll always be with you. But I won't, so I can't.
  • Ignatius: You're right. Of course.
  • Beruka: But you'll be fine. When I'm gone, someone else who cares about you will be there. There are more of them than you think.
  • Ignatius: I know. I'll try to be stronger. I'm sorry if I worried you.
  • Beruka: Don't be. I'm used to it. If anything, it's good to have something worth worrying about.
  • Ignatius: Mother... Just promise me that you'll live a long, healthy life, OK?
  • Beruka: That's a tough promise to keep. But for you? I swear.

With Effie (Mother)

C Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Mother. I was wondering if you could help me with something...
  • Effie: Of course, Ignatius. What do you need?
  • Ignatius: You that I'm here it seems a little silly. Forget about it. I can take care of it.
  • Effie: You found another worm in your tent, right? Or is it a spider this time?
  • Ignatius: It's a spider riding a worm. If it had just been a spider OR a worm, I could have handled it—I swear!
  • Effie: Heehee! That's OK. That's what I'm here for. Do you want me to squish them or save them?
  • Ignatius: Oh, gods... Please do NOT squish them. Just take them somewhere far, far away. This will be the last time—I promise.
  • Effie: Yes, yes, of course. But just remember that you can always come to me for help.
  • Ignatius: I know. I really am working up the courage to handle my own bugs, you know?
  • Effie: I know. But I'll always be here to squish your bugs for you... Even when you're an old man and I'm a wrinkly old lady!
  • Ignatius: No, I said DON'T squish them! I don't want bug guts on my things!

B Support

  • Ignatius: Good day, Mother. Do you have a moment?
  • Effie: For you? Of course. Another bug in your tent?
  • Ignatius: No! I told you, I'm going to deal with my own bugs from now on. Why, just the other day a ladybug landed on my forearm... And, through gritted teeth, I was able to gently brush it away.
  • Effie: That's great! But then...what can I help you with?
  • Ignatius: Well, it is about my tent. There's something wrong with it.
  • Effie: Oh? Does it need repairing? I'm not sure I'm the best person to help with that...
  • Ignatius: No, the fabric is intact. It's just... I believe my tent is haunted. As I was drifting off to sleep, I was sure I could see a face staring at me!
  • Effie: Aww, I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation. It was probably just an evil spirit.
  • Ignatius: MOTHER! That's not funny.
  • Effie: Heehee! Oh, I'm sorry. I couldn't resist. Don't worry, I'll take care of it for you.
  • Ignatius: I mean, I don't believe in evil spirits. I know they don't exist, but... What if they do?
  • Effie: Well, if evil spirits exist, I doubt they're strong enough to take me on. It's so haven't changed at all since you were a child.
  • Ignatius: I'm sorry. You've always been so tough. You must be disappointed to have raised a coward.
  • Effie: Don't be ridiculous! You're the most noble and brave and wonderful child a mother could hope for.
  • Ignatius: Really? You mean that?
  • Effie: Yes. You're just brave in a...nontraditional way. I've seen it.
  • Ignatius: Heh. Well, thank you, Mother.
  • Effie: Of course. Now, before I go investigate this evil spirit, I have one question. Do you still sleep with your stuffed animals at night?
  • Ignatius: Yes, what of it?
  • Effie: certain are you that it wasn't one of their faces you saw?
  • Ignatius: Oh. OH! Never mind.

A Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Mother. I have something for you.
  • Effie: Oh, it's beautiful. Thank you! Did you make it yourself?
  • Ignatius: Yes. It's meant to bring you good luck.
  • Effie: Well, thank you again. To what do I owe this random act of kindness?
  • Ignatius: It's just... I don't want you to die.
  • Effie: Oh. Ignatius...
  • Ignatius: I know I shouldn't worry about it, but... I get scared every time you fight. If something were to happen to you...
  • Effie: You've seen me train, right?
  • Ignatius: Yes, and I know how tough you are. But I still worry. You're the only person who accepts me just the way I am. I...I just can't stand the thought of losing you.
  • Effie: Well, thank you. It means a lot to me that you care so much. But we both know that I'm not the only one who loves you the way you are. What about your father? He loves you just as much as I do. And any of your friends in this army would sacrifice themselves for you.
  • Ignatius: You're right. Of course.
  • Effie: So please, try not to dwell on such morbid thoughts. None of us will live forever... That's simply the way of this world. All we can do is train as hard as we can to be the strongest we can be.
  • Ignatius: I know. I'll try to be stronger. I'm sorry if I worried you.
  • Effie: No, it's OK. Please don't worry about me. Let me give you a little tip. It's something that's helped me over the years. Just use your fear as motivation! Anytime you worry about something, go train! Anytime you get sad, go train! Anytime you find a spider in your tent, go train! Anytime—
  • Ignatius: Mother! I get it. Just promise me that you'll live a long, healthy life, OK?
  • Effie: Of course, honey. I promise.

With Nyx (Mother)

C Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Mother. I was wondering if you could help me with something...
  • Nyx: I'll try. What is it you need?
  • Ignatius: You that I'm here it seems a little silly. Forget about it. I can take care of it.
  • Nyx: Ah. A worm in your tent? Or is this one a spider menacing you?
  • Ignatius: It's a spider riding a worm. If it had just been a spider OR a worm, I could have handled it-I swear!
  • Nyx: Your history of crying to me when you spot an insect suggests otherwise. Where are these insects you want me to squish?
  • Ignatius: Oh, gods... Please do NOT squish them. Just take them somewhere far, far away. This will be the last time-I promise.
  • Nyx: Indeed? That is good news. But, child, I am your mother. You can always turn to me in times of need.
  • Ignatius: I know. I really am working up the courage to handle my own bugs, you know?
  • Nyx: Of course, child. But the question remains: Where are these bugs I must kill for you?
  • Ignatius: No, I said DON'T squish them! I don't want bug guts on my things!

B Support

  • Ignatius: Good day, Mother. Do you have a moment?
  • Nyx: Yes, I am unoccupied. What is it? That look on your face suggests another insect has wriggled into your tent.
  • Ignatius: No! I told you, I'm going to deal with my own bugs from now on. Why, just the other day a ladybug landed on my forearm... And, through gritted teeth, I was able to gently brush it away.
  • Nyx: Truly, you've come a long way. Well then, what is the matter?
  • Ignatius: Well, it is about my tent. There's something wrong with it.
  • Nyx: Oh? Is it in need of repair? The army has people for that, I believe.
  • Ignatius: No, the fabric is intact. It's just... I believe my tent is haunted. As I was drifting to sleep, I was sure I could see a face staring at me!
  • Nyx: Very interesting... Come with me. I'll get out my tomes, and we can attempt to distinguish it.
  • Ignatius: MOTHER! That's not funny.
  • Nyx: It was not meant to be. Identifying the specter is the first step in any exorcism.
  • Ignatius: I mean, I don't believe in evil spirits. I know they don't exist, but... What if they do?
  • Nyx: Ha ha ha.... "If" they do? Your naivete is always so touching.
  • Ignatius: I'm sorry. This isn't half as bad as some things you've seen. You must be disappointed to have raised a coward.
  • Nyx: Sulking doesn't become you, child. I am not disappointed, but rather amused. Some children grow mentally but never physically, while others, it seems... It interests me to see what parts of you haven't changed over the years.
  • Ignatius: Really? You mean that?
  • Nyx: Yes. It will become clear to you with time. But whether you change or not, you will always remain my child.
  • Ignatius: Heh. Well, thank you, Mother.
  • Nyx: I am suddenly reminded to ask... Do you still sleep as you did when young, with a stuffed animal tucked in one arm?
  • Ignatius: Yes, what of it?
  • Nyx: It was charming then and remains so now. But I wonder if their close proximity might explain a certain problem you have...
  • Ignatius: Oh. OH! Never mind.

A Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Mother. I have something for you.
  • Nyx: This is handmade, yes? One of the charms you craft on occasion.
  • Ignatius: Yes. It's meant to bring you good luck.
  • Nyx: Thank you, child. But tell me...what caused you to believe I need good luck now?
  • Ignatius: It's just... I don't want you to die.
  • Nyx: Ignatius...
  • Ignatius: I know I shouldn't worry about it, but... I get scared every time you fight. If something were to happen to you...
  • Nyx: Things happen as they will. It is useless to be frightened of what may be.
  • Ignatius: Yes, and I know that, or I ought to. But I still worry. You're the only person who accepts me just the way I am. I...I just can't stand the thought of losing you.
  • Nyx: Oh, child. It is touching that you would care for me so much. But we cannot remain together for eternity.
  • Ignatius: You're right. Of course.
  • Nyx: Still, you need not be frightened. There are many others besides me who will warmly accept you as you are. Perhaps even more warmly than I...
  • Ignatius: I know. I'll try to be stronger. I'm sorry if I worried you.
  • Nyx: You didn't. Or rather, no more so than usual. Worrying is part and parcel of motherhood.
  • Ignatius: Mother... Just promise me that you'll live a long, healthy life, OK?
  • Nyx: Ha ha... Of that you may be sure.

With Charlotte (Mother)

C Support 

  • Ignatius: Hello, Mother. I was wondering if you could help me with something…
  • Charlotte: Such as?
  • Ignatius: You know…now that I'm here it seems a little silly. Forget about it. I can take care of it.
  • Charlotte: You get an unwanted visitor in your tent? A worm? A spider? Level with me.
  • Ignatius: It's a spider riding a worm. If it had just been a spider OR a worm, I could have handled it—I swear!
  • Charlotte: Say no more, my boy. We'll have this worm-rider flattened in no time.
  • Ignatius: Oh, gods… Please do NOT squish them. Just take them somewhere far, far away. This will be the last time—I promise.
  • Charlotte: The tough-guy act might fool your friends, my boy, but never you mother. Don't worry. You can always come crawling to me when things come crawling to you.
  • Ignatius: I know. I really am working up the courage to handle my own bugs, you know?
  • Charlotte: Teehee... If you say so. Now then, where'd I put that bug swatter?
  • Ignatius: No, I said DON’T squish them! I don’t want bug guts on my things!

B Support

  • Ignatius: Good day, Mother. Do you have a moment?
  • Charlotte: I can spare a little time. Why? Is something...BUGGING you?
  • Ignatius: No! I told you, I'm going to deal with my own bugs from now on. Why, just the other day a ladybug landed on my forearm... And, through gritted teeth, I was able to gently brush it away.
  • Charlotte: You oughtta get a medal. But if that's not the trouble, then what is?
  • Ignatius: Well, it is about my tent. There's something wrong with it.
  • Charlotte: I hope it doesn't need patching, because you may be in the wrong department.
  • Ignatius: No, the fabric is intact. It's just... I believe my tent is haunted. As I was drifting off to sleep, I was sure I could see a face staring at me!
  • Charlotte: Heh heh... Did it look like... THIS?!
  • Ignatius: MOTHER! That's not funny.
  • Charlotte: Sorry, sorry. I don't mind helping you scare off the ghost, if that's what you want.
  • Ignatius: I mean, I don't believe in evil spirits. I know they don't exist, but... What if they do?
  • Charlotte: Teehee! It's been a long time since I heard that question. You've been terrified of ghosts ever since you were knee high. Ah, memories...
  • Ignatius: I'm sorry. I know it must seem like such a petty fear to you. You must be disappointed to have raised a coward.
  • Charlotte: Now, now. I didn't say that. It's fine to be scared of some things! Especially if they're petty!
  • Ignatius: Really? You mean that?
  • Charlotte: It's when you're scared of what matters that you have a problem. And I've never known you to be frightened of anything that matters.
  • Ignatius: Heh. Well, thank you, Mother.
  • Charlotte: Thinking about when you were little reminds me of the stuffed animals you had. Do you still need those things to get to sleep?
  • Ignatius: Yes, what of it?
  • Charlotte: Oh, nothing, I guess. I just thought... Well, maybe there's a connection between your bedtime pals and your fear of ghosts?
  • Ignatius: Oh. OH! Never mind.

A Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Mother. I have something for you.
  • Charlotte: A charm, huh? You made this?
  • Ignatius: Yes. It's meant to bring you good luck.
  • Charlotte: Nice! Wish I'd had this back when I was trying to land a man... Why now, anyway?
  • Ignatius: It's just... I don't want you to die.
  • Charlotte: Oh, my boy.
  • Ignatius: I know I shouldn't worry about it, but... I get scared every time you fight. If something were to happen to you...
  • Charlotte: You don't have to worry about that. Your dad would never let it happen.
  • Ignatius: Yes, and I know how tough you are, too. But I still worry. You're the only person who accepts me just the way I am. I...I just can't stand the thought of losing you.
  • Charlotte: That's sweet and all, but... you're going to have to deal with it sometime, you know?
  • Ignatius: You're right. Of course.
  • Charlotte: Don't worry, my boy. You're tougher than you give yourself credit for. You're no coward. You're gonna make it in this world just fine by yourself. And it won't even be by yourself! Just think of all the people who love you!
  • Ignatius: I know. I'll try to be stronger. I'm sorry if I worried you.
  • Charlotte: Oh, I'm an old hand at worrying about you now. I worry so much about you that I practically forget to do it sometimes.
  • Ignatius: Mother... Just promise me that you'll live a long, healthy life, OK?
  • Charlotte: I don't know if I can promise...but I certainly hope so!

With Benny (Father)

C Support

  • Benny: Hi.
  • Ignatius: Hm? Hi.
  • Benny: So.
  • Ignatius: So…?
  • Benny: I mean…
  • Ignatius: Yeah?
  • Benny: …How’re things?
  • Ignatius: Oh… I’m fine.
  • Benny: Good.
  • Ignatius: Yeah.
  • Benny: …Nothing bothering you?
  • Ignatius: Well…
  • Benny: Yeah?
  • Ignatius: If I had to pick something… It’d be that I never know what to say to you when it's just us two.
  • Benny: Oh. Right. Same.
  • Ignatius: Yeah…
  • Benny: …So everything’s OK?
  • Ignatius: It’s fine. I'm fine. 

B Support

  • Benny: Ignatius. See that rock over there? Try and lift it for me.
  • Ignatius: This one? Looks easy enough. *nff* G-gyaaaaaaah! B-b-bugs! They're everywhere! Get them away!
  • Benny: *sigh*
  • Ignatius: F-Father! That was a dirty trick! Why would you do that?!
  • Benny: I wanted to see if you're still such a coward as to faint at the sight of a few beetles.
  • Ignatius: ... I can't deny it now, can I? Even hearing the word "beetles" -ughhh- it makes my skin crawl.
  • Benny: That worries me. I'm afraid if you're this fragile, you won't have the stomach for battle. I don't want to lose you, Son.
  • Ignatius: Hmm...? Father... Who's that pale woman standing behind you? I've never seen her before...
  • Benny: Gaaaah! I-is it a g-g-ghost?! Huh? I don't see anyone.
  • Ignatius: *sigh*
  • Benny: Hey... you tricked me!
  • Ignatius: I was making a point, Father. Cowardice runs in our family.
  • Benny: ... I can't deny it now, can I? I'm sorry your dad sets such a pitiful example for you.
  • Ignatius: I don't mind. I wouldn't have anyone else for a father.
  • Benny: You mean that?
  • Ignatius: Yeah.
  • Benny: You... don't wish you were someone else's son...? I'm going for a walk in the woods. Don't follow me.
  • Ignatius: Um, are you... going off to cry?
  • Benny: Of -*sniff*- of course not. I just like being alone with nature.
  • Ignatius: Heh... Have a nice walk, Father.

A Support

  • Benny: Ignatius. Can we talk? I'm still worried about you. You inherited your dad's cowardice...
  • Ignatius: I know. We're both cowards, when you get right down to it.
  • Benny: My fear is that this cruel world is no place for a fragile boy like you.
  • Ignatius: Really? I'm not worried about that at all.
  • Benny: You seem pretty sure about that.
  • Ignatius: I am. Why, you've survived in this cruel world without much trouble, haven't you?
  • Benny: Hmm...
  • Ignatius: So I'll follow your lead there too. You're living proof that even cowards like us can make our way in the world. Not to say I'll never feel stress or fear, of course But when the world is too much for me, I have this to hold on to to get me through.
  • Benny: That's a nice looking charm. Where'd you get that?
  • Ignatius: You made it for me, Father. When I was just a kid. I've held on to it ever since. It gives me courage when I'm afraid.
  • Benny: That must have been many years ago for you. And you've taken such good care of it all this time...
  • Ignatius: So even when you were far away, you were there for me when I needed it.
  • Benny: I, um. I need to take a nature hike. Where's the nearest woods from here?
  • Ignatius: Heh... Are you crying again?
  • Benny: I -*sniff*- can't cry in front of my son. So be a good boy, Ignatius, and turn around for a minute.

With Oboro (Mother)

C Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Mother. I was wondering if you could help me with something...
  • Oboro: Oh, hi, Ignatius. Sure, what do you need?
  • Ignatius: You that I'm here it seems a little silly. Forget about it. I can take care of it.
  • Oboro: Heehee... Having bug problems again? What is it this time? Wait, no, let me guess-a spider on the ceiling. Or a worm under your bedroll?
  • Ignatius: It's a spider riding a worm. If it had been a spider OR a worm, I could have handled it-I swear!
  • Oboro: Well, spider, worm, whatever's bugging you, I'll squish it whenever you need me to.
  • Ignatius: Oh, gods... Please do NOT squish them. Just take them somewhere far, far away. This will be the last time-I promise.
  • Oboro: You don't have to put on a brave face for me, you know. I'm your mother. No one knows better than me what you can handle and what freaks you out. If you ever need help, ask, OK?
  • Ignatius: I know. I really am working up the courage to handle my own bugs, you know?
  • Oboro: Heehee. Keep telling yourself that. And excuse me while I go swat some bugs.
  • Ignatius: No, I said DON'T squish them! I don't want bug guts on my things!

B Support

  • Ignatius: Good day, Mother. Do you have a moment?
  • Oboro: Sure I do. What's up? Not another bug, I hope.
  • Ignatius: No! I told you, I'm going to deal with my own bugs from now on. Why, just the other day a ladybug landed on my forearm... And, through gritted teeth, I was able to gently brush it away.
  • Oboro: So what's the problem?
  • Ignatius: Well, it is about my tent. There's something wrong with it.
  • Oboro: You know, I agree. It's a dreadful color for you. And the cheap canvas! I wouldn't be surprised if it was worn clear through!
  • Ignatius: No, the fabric is intact. It's just... I believe my tent is haunted. As I was drifting off to sleep, I was sure I could see a face staring at me!
  • Oboro: Hahaha... Did it pierce into your soul? Could it see all your darkest secrets?
  • Ignatius: MOTHER! That's not funny.
  • Oboro: OK, OK, I've had my fun. Let's go face off with that ghost.
  • Ignatius: I mean, I don't believe in evil spirits. I know they don't exist, but... What if they do?
  • Oboro: Heh... You're still a kid when it comes to spooky stuff, huh?
  • Ignatius: I'm sorry. I ought to know better. It's just, when it's dark...and I'm alone...
  • Oboro: Oh, I wasn't trying to bust your chops! I'm actually happy. It's good to know that some things never change.
  • Ignatius: Really? You mean that?
  • Oboro: Of course. The day's probably not far off when you'll see what I mean. So keep on being my cute widdle Ignatius for now, OK?
  • Ignatius: Heh. Well, thank you, Mother.
  • Oboro: You know what else I remember about when you were young? Those stuffed animals. Do you still keep those around?
  • Ignatius: Yes, what of it?
  • Oboro: Some of those things had pretty creepy faces, don't you think?
  • Ignatius: Oh. OH! Never mind.

A Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Mother. I have something for you.
  • Oboro: A wooden charm? Did you make this just for me?
  • Ignatius: Yes. It's meant to bring you good luck.
  • Oboro: Thanks, Ignatius. Any particular reason you want me to have good luck?
  • Ignatius: It's just... I don't want you to die.
  • Oboro: I don't need a charm for that. I'll be fine!
  • Ignatius: I know I shouldn't worry about it, but... I get scared every time you fight. If something were to happen to you...
  • Oboro: You shouldn't dwell on things you can't control, Ignatius.
  • Ignatius: I know. And I know it's unlikely to happen. But I still worry. You're the only person who accepts me just the way I am. I...I just can't the thought of losing you.
  • Oboro: I know how you feel, Ignatius. I mean, when I lost my parents, I thought the hole would never be filled. But then I met my foster parents, and my friends, and your father. Things got better. Just like they'll get better for you if anything ever happens to me.
  • Ignatius: You're right. Of course.
  • Oboro: So don't be so nervous. Even if I'm not around, there'll be someone you can be yourself with.
  • Ignatius: I know. I'll try to be stronger. I'm sorry if I worried you.
  • Oboro: Hahaha! It's a little late to start thinking about that. You hardly do anything BUT worry me. Just the other day, I noticed your form was-
  • Ignatius: Mother! I get it. Just promise me that you'll live a long, healthy life, OK?
  • Oboro: That's the plan!

with Rinkah (Mother)

C Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Mother. I was wondering if you could help me with something...
  • Rinkah: What did you have in mind?
  • Ignatius: You know...not that I'm here it sees a little silly. Forget about it. I can take care of it.
  • Rinkah: Worm problems, right? Or did a spider make its web across your tent flap?
  • Ignatius: It's a spider riding a worm. If it had just been a spider OR a worm. I could have handled it, I swear!
  • Rinkah: How? You've come crying to me about bugs ever since you were little. Enough of this. Let me get my club, and we'll sort it out straightaway.
  • Ignatius: Oh, gods...please do NOT squish them. Just take them somewhere far, far away. This will be the last time, I promise.
  • Rinkah: Hmm... Listen close, Ignatius. I'm the mother. You're the son. When you need things, you ask me, and I do it.
  • Ignatius: I know. I really am working up the courage to handle my own bugs, you know?
  • Rinkah: Heh... You'll get there. We'll say for sake of argument this is the last bug I smash.
  • Ignatius: No, I said DON'T squish them! I don't want bug guts on my things!

B Support

  • Ignatius: Good day, Mother. Do you have a moment?
  • Rinkah: Yeah. Something wrong? Ah, of course... More insect incursions.
  • Ignatius: No! I told you, I'm going to deal with my own bugs from now on. Why, just the other day a ladybug landed on my forearm... And, through gritted teeth, I was able to gently brush it away.
  • Rinkah: So how can your mom help you?
  • Ignatius: Well, it is about my tent. There's something wrong with it.
  • Rinkah: I noticed that. If you pitch it with the flap to the north, the sun won't-
  • Ignatius: No, that's not the issue. It's just... I believe my tent is haunted. As I was drifting off to sleep, I was sure I could see a face staring at me!
  • Rinkah: I should have guessed. If it's not one thing, it's the other.
  • Ignatius: MOTHER! This is no laughing matter.
  • Rinkah: You have to admit, it's always either bugs or ghosts with you.
  • Ignatius: I mean, I don't believe in evil spirits. I know they don't exist, but... What if they do?
  • Rinkah: Hmhm...round and round we go. I've been hearing this since you were tiny.
  • Ignatius: I'm sorry. You've always been so tough. You must be disappointed to have raised a coward.
  • Rinkah: Don't get mopey about it. It's comforting, in a way, to see that part of you never changes.
  • Ignatius: Really? You mean that?
  • RInkah: I'm serious. When you have kids, you'll learn to love even their flaws. You'll always be my Ignatius, warts and all.
  • Ignatius: Heh. Well, thank you, Mother.
  • Rinkah: One thing, though... You don't still sleep with those stuffed dolls, do you?
  • Ignatius: Yes, what of it?
  • Rinkah: It's not that I mind. Just occurred to me who this face you saw might belong to.
  • Ignatius: Oh. OH! Never mind.

A Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Mother. I have something for you.
  • Rinkah: Hey, nice charm. You make it?
  • Ignatius: Yes. It's meant to bring you good luck.
  • Rinkah: Thanks, Ignatius. I have to ask, though-what inspired you to do it now?
  • Ignatius: It's just... I don't want you to die.
  • Rinkah: Hmph...
  • Ignatius: I know I shouldn't worry about it, but... I get scared every time you fight. If something were to happen to you...
  • Rinkah: The way I figure, if I let anything happen to me, I deserved it.
  • Ignatius: Yes, and I know how tough you are. But I still worry. You're the only person who accepts me just the way I am. I...I just can't stand the thought of losing you.
  • Rinkah: Dry those eyes. You're practically swimming in people who like you just fine. Do I need to name them? I'm sure you can think of at least one or two. They'll be there for you if you let them. Even when I'm not.
  • Ignatius: You're right. Of course.
  • Rinkah: So don't be afraid. When my time comes, you won't want for people to look after you.
  • Ignatius: I know. I'll try to be stronger. I'm sorry if I worried you.
  • Rinkah: Like I have something more important to do?
  • Ignatius: Fair enough. Just promise me that you'll live a long, healthy life, OK?
  • Rinkah: Heh. I was planning on doing that anyway, kid.

With Kana (Male) (Brother)

C Support

  • Kana: Hey, Ignatius! Do you want to go on patrol with me?
  • Ignatius: Kana. Right now?
  • Kana: Yep! I want to help everyone as much as possible! Which, for now, means patrolling as much as possible! So are you in?
  • Ignatius: All right. We are brothers, after all.
  • Kana: Yay! Let's go!
  • Ignatius: OK. Wait-are we going by ourselves?
  • Kana: Yep! It'll be OK. I've been practicing a whole lot!
  • Ignatius: But...we don't know what's out there. And with just the two of us...
  • Kana: It's fine, it's fine! If we use our special sibling powers, we can take down any bad buys that cross us!
  • Ignatius: Well, if you've got your heart set on it...OK. (What's the worst that could happen? It's just one routine patrol.)
  • Kana: Yahoo! You know what, Ignatius? I think we should go patrolling every day!
  • Ignatius: Every day?
  • Kana: Yeah! I mean, patrols need to be done every day. Why not us?
  • Ignatius:
  • Kana: Is something the matter?
  • Ignatius: ...Nothing. Let's go.
  • Kana: Heehee! This is gonna be fun!

B Support

  • Kana: Thanks for coming on patrol with me again, Ignatius!
  • Ignatius: No problem. They're becoming sort of fun. And the more we go, the more I feel I can rely on you.
  • Kana: Wow! You mean it?!
  • Ignatius: Yes. You've been getting much stronger. And I can see you're more comfortable with patrolling in general. You're doing very well, Kana. I think you've got a natural talent for this.
  • Kana: Haha! Yay! Thanks, Ignatius! What about you? What are your natural talents?
  • Ignatius: I'm not sure really. I can't think of any particular talents to speak of. But I guess I'm good at defensive combat. And I don't have much trouble standing on the front lines if it's to protect my friends.
  • Kana: Oh, wow! That's pretty brave of you, you know.
  • Ignatius: Heh. I-I guess you're right...
  • Kana: Yup! I am. All right! Let's get moving! We've got a ways to go if we're gonna be the best patrollers in camp!
  • Ignatius: H-hey, wait up! Kana!

A Support

  • Kana: Hey, guess what, Ignatius? It's patrol time!
  • Ignatius: Heh, OK. Let's go.
  • Kana: Er, wait. First I had a favor to ask of you.
  • Ignatius: Yeah? What do you need?
  • Kana: I want you to teach me how to be like you!
  • Ignatius: You want to be like me? What do you mean?
  • Kana: You said you're real good at defensive combat, right? Well, I wanna learn how to do that too! I'm the youngest kid out of everyone, right? So there's a lot I still can't do... I know I can't just be a grown-up, but I can try to learn as many skills as possible. Besides, I've always wanted to learn something from my big brother! I always wondered what it would be like to spend time with you.
  • Ignatius: Kana...
  • Kana: So I want to learn as much from you as possible now that I can! is that OK?
  • Ignatius: Of course it's OK. I'm very happy you asked.
  • Kana: Thank you so much!
  • Ignatius: But don't think this is going to be one-sided. I want to learn from you too. So let's compete to see who can become stronger the fastest.
  • Kana: OK! I'm not gonna be the one to lose! That's a promise!
  • Ignatius: Heh. All right, then. Today is patrol duty. Tomorrow, the real training begins.
  • Kana: Sounds good to me!

With Kana (Male) (Son)

With Kana (Female)

C Support

  • Kana: Wow, Ignatius! You were so amazing in that last battle! You're not scared of anything, are ya? 
  • Ignatius: Uh, I wouldn't go so far as to say THAT, exactly... 
  • Kana: But you always fight on the front lines, don't you? 
  • Ignatius: Er, yeah, I guess. but-
  • Kana: That's so brave! Super Ignatius Man, charging the enemy lines head-on! I wish I could be more like you. I still get scared all the time! 
  • Ignatius: That's only natural, Kana. Everyone gets scared sometimes. 
  • Kana: Not you! You're the bravest person I know! 
  • Ignatius: No, I'm really not-
  • Kana: So how do you do it? Teach me! Teach me! How do I not feel scared anymore? I have to get stronger if I'm gonna learn to protect everyone like Papa does! 
  • Ignatius: I really couldn't tell you the first thing about being brave, Kana. But... hm... You said you want to get stronger? I think I can help with that. 
  • Kana: Really?! You can?! Oh boy! I'd love that! Thank you so much, Ignatius!
  • Ignatius: Perfect. Come see me tomorrow, and we'll get started on your training, OK?
  • Kana: Yahoo!

B Support

  • Kana: Ignatius! Here, look at this! 
  • Ignatius: Kana? What's with the bag? Wait! Did it just wriggle?! 
  • Kana: Don't worry. It's all a part of my plan! I know how we can learn not to be scared! I found a whole bunch of scary creatures and put 'em in this bag!
  • Ignatius: C-creatures?! Like what?
  • Kana: Let's see... I got some bugs, and some slimy snakey things, and... ooh! Leaches! Oh yeah, and those spiders that can shoot their hairs at you! 
  • Ignatius: That's terrifying... how did you even manage to collect all of them?
  • Kana: I dunno. I guess I just got lucky! Anyway, let's get to practicing! We're gonna be fearless in no time! 
  • Ignatius: Er... just what did you have in mind? 
  • Kana: What else? I'm gonna open it! 
  • Ignatius: You're just going to open it?! Right here?! Right now?!
  • Kana: Mhn! The're gonna be so mad, they're bound to come straight for us, too! But we're gonna be brave and stand our ground, just like heroes do, right? 
  • Ignatius: H-hang on a minute, Kana. I'm not so sure this will work.
  • Kana: Sure it will! Now, are you ready? 
  • Ignatius: Kana, stop! I only offered to help make you stronger. Not to make you fearless. It's not even possible. Trust me.
  • Kana: But when YOU'RE on the battlefield, you're never scared!
  • Ignatius: That's where you're wrong. I'm terrified. Always. I can barely stand it! Even now - just being near that bag is making me tremble! K-Kana, wait, don't hold it like that or they'll start getting out - UWAAAAAH!
  • Kana: I-Ignatius? He ran off! H-hey, Ignatius! Wait for meeeeeeee! 

A Support

  • Ignatius: Hey, Kana. I'm sorry about the other day. I didn't mean to run off like that. I was just so scared by that bag you had. I didn't know what to do. 
  • Kana: Huh? Oh, that's OK. But I did want to ask you about something you said. You said it's not possible to get rid of fear, right? 
  • Ignatius: Yes.
  • Kana: So then how do you always look so brave when we're fighting the enemy?
  • Ignatius: It's simple. I learned to fight even when I was afraid. The important thing isn't to get rid of your fear. It's to make sure it doesn't rule you. 
  • Kana: But how do you do that? I feel like I lose all control when I get scared. I don't think I'll ever be strong enough to make it go away...
  • Ignatius: That's not true. You can do it, Kana. I know you can. You're one of the most determined people I know. Plus, you'll have a great teacher - me!
  • Kana: Gee, Ignatius. You'd really do that for me?
  • Ignatius: Of course. I used to be the same way. Sometimes, I'd get so scared just sparring that I could barely hold my weapon. But I realized that people needed me. And I can help them best by fighting for them. When I focus on that, I'm able to overcome my fear... 
  • Kana: Hm... OK! So I just need to keep in mind who I'm fighting for? I can do that! 
  • Ignatius: Yes. But I don't want to give you the wrong idea. The fear doesn't go away. It just gets pushed back a little. You still might freeze up a bit until you get used to it. 
  • Kana: Ok. I'll try to keep that in mind. Thank you so much, Ignatius! 
  • Ignatius: Glad I could help! 

S Support

  • Kana: Hey, Ignatius! Some of the townspeople around here just told me a neat story! Wanna hear it?
  • Ignatius: Sure, I'm in the mood for a good story. Let's hear it. 
  • Kana: All right. Here goes! A long, long time ago, there were two people! They were the best of friends, and they loved and trused each-other very much! But, they noticed as they got older, they kept losing their friends. Some moved away, some they just stopped talking to, and a few even died. And so the two started to worry they'd grow apart too. But then they heard a rumor about a type of magic flower called the Partner's Promise! 
  • Ignatius: Partner's Promise? I've never heard of that kind of flower before.
  • Kana: That's 'cause they're so super rare! They only grow at the top of a huge mountain! But if two people pluck one together, then they stay together the rest of their lives! 
  • Ignatius: I see. So they wanted to get this flower then, right? 
  • Kana: Yup! So they decided to climb the tallest part of the mountain. But all sorts of scary stuff happened to them on the way up! They were attacked time and time again by giant evil monsters! And then there were earthquakes, fires, lightning, ghosts - even mosquitoes! 
  • Ignatius: S-say it isn't so! That's horrifying! 
  • Kana: But nothing could stop them! They protected each-other the whole way up. And, after many weeks, they reached the top! 
  • Ignatius: That's incredible. To come through all that and be unscathed... So I take it they got their flower? 
  • Kana: Nope! 
  • Ignatius: Huh? Why?
  • Kana: 'Cause! There weren't any there!
  • Ignatius: You mean after all that... they were lied to?
  • Kana: That's what I thought! But the townspeople said not to be so sure. The flowers might have just died out or been picked by someone else. But hang on! I haven't even told you the wierdist part yet. Even though they didn't get the flower, they stayed best friends forever after! 
  • Ignatius: Really?
  • Kana: Yep! And that's the end of the story! So... um, I wanted to ask you why you think they stayed best friends. Because I'm not really sure I get it... I mean, they didn't get the flower. Were they going to dirft apart anyway, and it was all a waste? 
  • Ignatius: Heh. I guess we won't know unless we try it ourselves. Maybe we should do that. You and I. Someday.
  • Kana: Huh? But that would mean we'd never be parted from each other again... Are you sure that's what you'd want? 
  • Ignatius: Why not? Isn't that already the case? You're like family to me, Kana. How would you feel about it? 
  • Kana: Are you kidding me?! That sounds awsome! I've always wanted a best buddy like you, Ignatius! You're the greatist! 
  • Ignatius: Haha. Then it's settled. Someday, we'll find this mountain and climb it. Together. 
  • Kana: Perfect! That's a promise, right? You can't go back on it! 
  • Ignatius: Haha. Yes. It's a promise. 

With Shigure (Brother)

C Support

  • Ignatius: Hmm... I know I saw Shigure passing this way earlier. Did he go deeper into the forest? He wasn't back in the hills, and he wouldn't loop back here to camp.
  • Shigure: *singing*
  • Ignatius: Oh, I see him. He's over there! What in the world is he doing sitting on that tree stump? And what's with all the people gathered around hi— It's impossible. My eyes must be playing tricks on me. Those aren't people at all! They're a bunch of wild forest animals! Rabbits, squirrels...even bears? What in the name of the gods is going on? They're all sitting so calmly around Shigure.
  • Shigure: I think that's enough for one day. How did you all like it?
  • Ignatius: Are you talking to the animals?
  • Shigure: Ahh! Who's there?! Oh no! Come back!
  • Ignatius: The animals are all running away. I'm sorry, Shigure. I didn't mean to scare them off.
  • Shigure: You just startled them, Ignatius. And you startled me too! But don't worry about it. They can't help being a little bit shy. So tell me, what are you doing all the way out here?
  • Ignatius: I was looking for you. We are brothers, after all. Since we grew up so far apart, I feel like we never got to know each other. I thought we could talk. I'd like to learn more about you.
  • Shigure: Oh, really? I don't know what to say. I don't think I'm the most interesting person around. You might be better off trying to make friends with people who are more outgoing.
  • Ignatius: But you're my brother. It's important to bond with your siblings.
  • Shigure: Don't feel obligated to try and be my friend, just because of that. Honestly, I'm not in the most social mood right now. If you'll excuse me.

(Shigure leaves)

  • Ignatius: H-hey, wait a second! That was harsh. What a jerk.

B Support

  • Ignatius: I wonder where Shigure went today. I bet he went back to that clearing in the mountains again. Probably playing with his pack of animals, like the other day. Just as I thought—there he is! Greetings, Shigure!
  • Shigure: Ignatius?! What are you doing out here? Ah! Oh no! Wait!
  • Ignatius: Oh dear... Looks like I scared the animals away again. Wow, they're running really fast. I apologize, Shigure. I didn't mean to do that again.
  • Shigure: Oh, don't worry about it. They aren't used to other people being around here. They just startle easily.
  • Ignatius: Oh, I see. I'll try to be more careful next time. I've never seen anyone get along with animals like that before. We may be brothers, but we're very different people. I'm too scared to even touch an animal.
  • Shigure: Why were you looking for me again? Did you need something?
  • Ignatius: Well, I thought I'd see if you felt like talking today. You're my brother, and I would really like to know you better.
  • Shigure: Oh, I see. Well sure, we can hang out if you want. I appreciate that you want to get to know me better. I didn't mean to be rude the other day. The last thing I want to do is let you down.
  • Ignatius: Really? So I can stay here with you for a little while? You can call those animals back if you want. I'll try not to get freaked out.
  • Shigure: The animals... Ah, well. I don't think they'll want to come back while you're here.
  • Ignatius: They won't, huh? They sure seem to like you a lot. Maybe if I'm extra nice, then I can make friends with them too. Assuming they aren't too scary.
  • Shigure: Hmm. I'm not sure if this will help, but... Animals are highly sensitive to the feelings of people around them. Most likely, they detected something in you that drove them off. They were fine until you got here, so I think it was definitely related to you, Ignatius.
  • Ignatius: I admit, I found them a little bit terrifying. But I didn't mean to scare them off.
  • Shigure: They can sense what you were thinking. Were you sizing them up to figure out which one might make a tasty dinner? Even just for a moment?
  • Ignatius: Shigure, what do you mean? I would never think something like that.
  • Shigure: Of course, I'm sorry. That's just the biggest reason I could think of for them to run away. I appreciate how sincere you are about befriending them. I'll try to think of what you could do to make them feel more safe around you. I'm happy to help out my loyal brother.
  • Ignatius: Thanks, Shigure.

A Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Shigure.
  • Shigure: Is something wrong, Ignatius? You look very unhappy.
  • Ignatius: Well, I've just been thinking about your animal friends.
  • Shigure: Oh? Did you want to try and pay them a visit today? I was actually just heading out to see them if you want to come along. Are you ready to prove that you don't mean them any harm?
  • Ignatius: About that... Listen, I've been thinking about what you said the other day. I think you were right about them sensing something in me.
  • Shigure: What do you mean? Were you feeling a strong emotion when you arrived?
  • Ignatius: Well, to be honest... I was feeling envious of how well they got along with you. I wanted them to go away, so that we could spend time together. They probably felt some animosity coming through me. I think that's why they ran away from me.
  • Shigure: Ignatius, thank you for your honesty. I'm glad you took time to reflect on this.
  • Ignatius: Sure. But I don't think I should go back there anymore. I don't want to bother them.
  • Shigure: Please, don't say that! I really think you should go back. You've opened up your heart, and the animals will be able to tell you've changed.
  • Ignatius: I don't know. I'm not sure...
  • Shigure: I am. You didn't have to tell me you were feeling jealous, but you did anyway. That proves that you've got a very good and honest soul. The animals will be able to tell, too. Look! A rabbit is hopping this way!
  • Ignatius: Whoa! What am I supposed to do, Shigure?
  • Shigure: Just calm down. Take a breath. Quiet your mind, and be peaceful. Think about how much you want to be friends with the furry critter.
  • Ignatius: O-OK, I'll try... ...AH!! Shigure, look! He's letting me pet him! He's not trying to run away or anything. This is amazing!
  • Shigure: See? I told you it would all be fine.
  • Ignatius: You were right. And I'm not scared at all!
  • Shigure: Now you can meet all the other animals! I think you will get along with everyone. Let's wander to the clearing in the woods. I bet your new friends will be waiting there.
  • Ignatius: Really? OK! Thank you, Shigure!

With Sophie

C Support

  • Sophie: Gah! What is that! Get it off! Get it off!
  • Ignatius: Heh. Hello, Sophie. That’s an unusual dance you're performing.
  • Sophie: I'm not dancing—there’s a bug crawling down my back!
  • Ignatius: What?! Yuck!
  • Sophie: Well, don’t just stand there. Help me! Get it off! Get it off!
  • Ignatius: Um…
  • Sophie: Hurry! Get it off of me! I can't reach it myself! Please, help!
  • Ignatius: OK, don’t move. Take a deep breath. *huff**huff**huff*
  • Sophie: Are you talking to yourself? What is going on? Can't you just help?
  • Ignatius: Why are you walking toward me? Don’t come any closer! I'll…I'll go call for help.
  • Sophie: Ignatius! Can't you see I'm desperate! Oh, wait. I think it's gone.
  • Ignatius: Whew. The deep breaths worked.
  • Sophie: What? No, they didn’t. The bug just flew away on its own. Why wouldn’t you help me?
  • Ignatius: I, uh, wasn’t sure I could squash the thing without hurting you. It's like…I don’t even know my own strength. Yeah, that works.
  • Sophie: I see. I don’t believe you, but I see.
  • Ignatius: Believe me! I was praying to all the gods that the bug would leave me alone.
  • Sophie: Leave YOU alone?
  • Ignatius: That’s what I said, isn’t it? Leave YOU alone. Jeez.
  • Sophie: Hmm.

B Support

  • Sophie: Hey, Ignatius! How are you?
  • Ignatius: I'm fine. How are you, Sophie? Um, would you like some help with that? It looks kind of heavy and awkward.
  • Sophie: Oh, no, thanks. As long as I don't touch the side where it's hot, like this— AHHHHH!

(Sophie leaves)

  • Ignatius: Are you all right? That's...a lot of soup.
  • Sophie: Yeah, I'm OK. I was really looking forward to eating this soup, though! Oh, and your book!
  • Ignatius: I'm sure it will dry out. And then I can enjoy the delicious scent of your soup until I finish reading it.
  • Sophie: Heehee! Well, I'm glad you have a sense of humor about it. How can I make this up to you?
  • Ignatius: Please, it's nothing. I'm just glad you're not hurt.
  • Sophie: Well, thanks. But...are you sure you're not upset? You have such a stern look on your face!
  • Ignatius: No, no, I'm fine. This is just how I look.
  • Sophie: Really? Prove it. Let's see a smile.
  • Ignatius: Certainly. Cheese.
  • Sophie: I knew it! You are mad!
  • Ignatius: *sigh*

A Support

  • Sophie: Ignatius! Don't move!
  • Ignatius: What?! What is it?
  • Sophie: Just stay calm. Don't move. Annnnnd...I got it.
  • Ignatius: I really don't want to know, but I have to ask... What did you just pluck off of my back?
  • Sophie: It's nothing. Just a tiny caterpillar. But I know how you dislike bugs.
  • Ignatius: Yuck! Get it away! Get it away!
  • Sophie: Calm down! I'll set it down over here. Yeesh. You've really got to work on this bug-phobia thing.
  • Ignatius: Why would you say that? I'm not THAT scared of bugs.
  • Sophie: Then why don't you go pick up that caterpillar with your bare hand?
  • Ignatius: Oh...gods...NO!
  • Sophie: I think I finally understand you, Ignatius.
  • Ignatius: How do you mean?
  • Sophie: Well, you don't show a lot of emotions with your face. But I can see you feel things deeply.
  • Ignatius: Well, of course.
  • Sophie: But that's not all. I always see you on the front lines in battle. But I know battle terrifies you! You must really treasure your friends to put yourself in the line of fire like that.
  • Ignatius: Well, I don't know...
  • Sophie: And you're also really modest.
  • Ignatius: If you say so.
  • Sophie: Heh. See? You're making such a scary face, but I can tell you're happy.
  • Ignatius: You're quite perceptive. Maybe you do understand me. You'd be one of the first...

S Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Sophie.
  • Sophie: What's wrong, Ignatius? You look nervous.
  • Ignatius: How can you tell?
  • Sophie: Heh. I can read you like a book. So what's going on?
  • Ignatius: Well, I have something I want to ask you.
  • Sophie: Is something wrong? You look like you're going to be sick!
  • Ignatius: No, no, I'm fine.
  • Sophie: Are you sure? Can you just spit it out? You're making ME nervous now!
  • Ignatius: Will...will *ahem* Will you...go...
  • Sophie: Huh? Will I go...where?
  • Ignatius: Will you go out with me?
  • Sophie: What?! I wasn't expecting that!
  • Ignatius: It's understand me so well. And I'd like to get to know you better.
  • Sophie: Well, now I'm not sure I understand you at all! I did NOT see this coming!
  • Ignatius: So is that a no?
  • Sophie: No! I mean, yes! Er, wait, I think I did actually mean no... Ugh, this is too confusing. Let me put it this way—I will go out with you, Ignatius! I just needed a moment to recover from the shock.
  • Ignatius: I'm so happy! Can you see it in my face?
  • Sophie: Heh! I sure can.

With Midori

C Support

  • Midori: Argh! This is going to take all day...
  • Ignatius: Hello, Midori. Are you looking for something?
  • Midori: Ignatius! Yes, I am! Could you do me a big favor? Could you lift up that big rock for a minute?
  • Ignatius: This one here? No problem. HUP!
  • Midori: Oh, YES! I've hit the mother lode.
  • Ignatius: The mother lode of what? Is it something under the rock? I can't really see while I'm holding this thing...
  • Midori: Oh! Just go ahead and set it down. Sorry! I should have told you that you didn't need to keep holding it. Look, it's just what I needed for my salve!
  • Ignatius: GAH! Bugs?! Get 'em away! Get 'em away!
  • Midori: Yep! These bugs contain a type of protein that helps make my medicine work. I've just got to dry them out and then grind them up into powder.
  • Ignatius: Ugh, that's disgusting. *BLEHHH*
  • Midori: Oh no! Are you all right? Do you need some medicine? I've got a little bit ready now.
  • Ignatius: Does it contain more bugs? Forget it. I'm fine. If you don't need any more help, I'll see you around.

(Ignatius leaves)

  • Midori: Oh, poor guy.

B Support

  • Midori: Hey, Ignatius! Are you feeling better?
  • Ignatius: Midori? Uh, no. You better stay away.
  • Midori: What? You're still sick? Maybe I can help. Let me take a look.
  • Ignatius: No, no, it's all right. You have your...ingredients...with you, don't you?
  • Midori: Of course! You never know when a healing salve or some medicine could be handy.
  • Ignatius: Yeah. And those are generally made out of bugs?
  • Midori: Heehee! No, they're not ALL bugs. Although I do have one here that's mostly made out of cockroach legs. If you have a headache, it'll fix you right up. Wanna try it?
  • Ignatius: No, my head has literally never felt better in my entire life.
  • Midori: Well, what is it, then? What's bothering you?
  • Ignatius: It's nothing. Just please stay away.
  • Midori: Oh! I see. You must be contagious.
  • Ignatius: Yes. Yes, that's it. I don't want anyone else catching what I've got.
  • Midori: Well, you're in good hands. I'll have you feeling better in a jiffy!
  • Ignatius: With medicine? It's really not necessary...
  • Midori: Please! Trust me. You're looking really pale.
  • Ignatius: Yes, I know...
  • Midori: I have just the thing. Hang on--just let me mix up a fresh batch...
  • Ignatius: I...I have to go. Excuse me.
  • Midori: But your medicine is almost ready! See? It's bubbling.
  • Ignatius: No! Get it away!
  • Midori: What's wrong with you?

A Support

  • ignatius: Hello, Midori. I need to speak with you.
  • Midori: Hi, Ignatius. You look like you're feeling better. What's going on?
  • Ignatius: I just wanted to apologize for running away from you the other day. I know you were only trying to help.
  • Midori: Yeah, I was wondering why you just sprinted away all of a sudden. I was really worried about you!
  • Ignatius: Again, I'm sorry. I feel terrible that you were worried.
  • Midori: It's no big deal. I'm just glad to see you're feeling better!
  • Ignatius: Yes. Well, to be honest, I wasn't really sick.
  • Midori: What?! But you looked awful!
  • Ignatius: Yes. It was the idea of your medicine that was making me feel ill.
  • Midori: You're actually starting to look a little pallid again. I've got just the thing.
  • Ignatius: No, I'm fine...
  • Midori: Look, if you want to make up for being a jerk and running away... please try some of my special pick-me-up juice!
  • Ignatius: Is it supposed to be green like that? And what are those chunks?
  • Midori: Don't worry. It's 100 percent natural!
  • Ignatius: All right...
  • Midori: Now, I want you to take a big gulp and swallow it right down. If you feel some chunks, just try chewing a little bit!
  • Ignatius: Chew it?! I thought this was juice!
  • Midori: It is! But if you feel something moving, just bite down and swallow quickly.
  • Ignatius: Gods. Here goes nothing. *gulp* *squish* *squish* *gulp*
  • Midori: Well? Feel the energy flowing through your body?
  • Ignatius: I...I'm not sure. Maybe?
  • Midori: Yay! Just let me know if you want some more. I'd be happy to make it for you anytime.
  • Ignatius: Thanks. It actually tasted pretty good! What were those chunky things, though?
  • Midori: Ah! The secret ingredient! Those were raw pill bugs. The same ones you helped me find under that big rock!
  • Ignatius: Bugs?! *BLAAAAAH*

(Ignatius leaves)

  • Midori: Oh no! Did I kill him? What kind of medicine should I use to revive him? I don't know if I have the right bugs!

S Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Midori.
  • Midori:'re alive! But you look sick again. What's wrong?
  • Ignatius: No, I'm fine.
  • Midori: Are you sure? Your face is bright red. The last time you said you were fine, you passed out in a puddle of your own vomit.
  • Ignatius: Yes. Unfortunately, I remember it well.
  • Midori: Well, just sit down so I can take your temperature. You might have a fever.
  • Ignatius: What are you doing?
  • Midori: Stop squirming! This is how my mother taught me to take a temperature. I just press my forehead against yours. There! All done. You do feel pretty warm. I should probably check your pulse too.
  • Ignatius: Um, OK...
  • Midori: Oh no! Your heart is racing! You must be really sick.
  • Ignatius: Midori, listen to me. I'm not sick. I'm just...a little nervous.
  • Midori: Nervous? Why?
  • Ignatius: Because I promised myself that I'd finally tell you how I feel today.
  • Midori: What do you mean? How do you feel?
  • Ignatius: Well, even though you keep bugs in your pockets...I like you.
  • Midori: What? Where is this coming from? I don't know what to say!
  • Ignatius: Sorry. I know it's kind of out of the blue.
  • Midori: No, it's not that. It's just... Well, maybe it IS that. I think I have feelings for you too. But they're unlike anything I've felt before.
  • Ignatius: I see...
  • Midori: Oh, my heart is racing! I feel really hot. What's wrong with me? Did I catch whatever you had the other day?
  • Ignatius: I hope so--because all I was suffering from was a secret crush on you. And moderate-to-severe bug poisoning, of course.
  • Midori: Oh no. If this is what love feels like, I'm going to need medicine. Why don't we go pick some herbs and get to know each other a little better?
  • Ignatius: That sounds wonderful. Just no bugs today, all right?
  • Midori: Fair enough. I already have all the bugs I need, anyway. Right in this pocket. See?

With Siegbert

C Support

  • Siegbert: Good day, Ignatius. I trust everything is well?
  • Ignatius: Yes, quite well. Thank you Siegbert.
  • Siegbert: Excellent. Um...
  • Ignatius: Is there something else you'd like to say?
  • Siegbert: Well...yes. Thank you for your service. You're truly an inspiration to the rest of us.
  • Ignatius: Are you being sarcastic or something?
  • Siegbert: No, quite the opposite! I admire the way you carry yourself in battle. You're a model warrior.
  • Ignatius: Well, thank you for the kind words, but I don't know about that. I just do what I'm told...
  • Siegbert: Well, I only wish I could be as gallant and brave as you, Ignatius.
  • Ignatius: Again, thank you, but I really wish you wouldn't say things like that. I'm hardly the most skilled warrior fighting on our side. On top of that, if you were ever to examine my knees just before battle... I think you'd find them knocking more loudly than a traveling salesman.
  • Siegbert: What do you mean?
  • Ignatius: Well, some among us are destined to become great leaders... and others are sent to the front lines. I have accepted my role.
  • Siegbert: Ignatius?

B Support

  • Siegbert: HA! YA! HEY!
  • Ignatius: Whoa, Siegbert. You're really going for it today. Swinging that practice sword like you're fighting for your life!
  • Siegbert: Oh, hey, Ignatius. Yeah, watching you in battle has inspired me to train harder. YAH!
  • Ignatius: Um... You do realize that you're going to be king someday, right?
  • Siegbert: It's possible. But why do you bring that up?
  • Ignatius: Because your role isn't to be the most heroic on the battlefield. Your role is to lead our people...and protect the kingdom.
  • Siegbert: Of course. But again, so what?
  • Ignatius: Well...there's no real need for you to be so brave on the battlefield. I'm replaceable. You're not! My role is to protect people, and your role is to be protected. If anything, you should probably stay as far away from battle as---
  • Siegbert: Nonsense! Is that all you have to say to me?
  • Ignatius: Yeah, I guess.
  • Siegbert: Then I'll take my leave of you. I'm not done practicing.
  • Ignatius: Damn.

A Support

  • Siegbert: HI-YAAAAAAAH!
  • Ignatius: At it again, huh?
  • Siegbert: Yes. What of it, Ignatius?
  • Ignatius: I thought I told you. You can't die on the battlefield. We need you to lead us. Men like me can die on the battlefield.
  • Siegbert: Oh, would you give it a rest? Nobody's role in this army is to die!
  • Ignatius: I apologize.
  • Siegbert: I'm sorry, Ignatius. I let my emotions get the best of me. I appreciate your concern, and believe me, I do understand my role. But I refuse to stand idly by while my friends risk their necks for me in battle!
  • Ignatius: I respect that. But if you die, who will lead us?
  • Siegbert: Oh, I don't intend on dying, Ignatius.
  • Ignatius: I'm sorry for questioning you, Siegbert. I see now what you're truly made of. I, for one, would be proud to carry your banner into battle---at your side.
  • Ignatius: That means a lot to me, Ignatius. And I would be honored to fight side by side with you any day of the week. Let's live to see the end of this war...and forge a peaceful future for all.
  • Ignatius: Well spoken, sir. You can count on me.

With Forrest

C Support

  • Ignatius: Hmm...
  • Forrest: Um, Ignatius? Why are you staring at me?
  • Ignatius: Huh? Oh, sorry. I didn't realize I was staring. I was just admiring your hat. It goes really well with your shirt.
  • Forrest: Well, thanks! I made them both.
  • Ignatius: I've been thinking I could use a new look. People tell me I'm "unapproachable." I don't see why.
  • Forrest: Well, your face does look kind of intimidating, to be honest. You know...the expression you're making.
  • Ignatius: That's just it. I'm not making an expression. This is just how I look. Do you think some new clothes would help?
  • Forrest: Well...
  • Ignatius: Bah, forget I said anything.
  • Forrest: No, hear me out! I was going to say that I pretty much make only women's clothes. But I suppose I could try to make something that would look nice on you.
  • Ignatius: It's OK. I appreciate the offer, but I don't know what I was thinking. See you later, Forrest.

(Ignatius leaves)

  • Forrest: Hmm...

B Support

  • Forrest: Hey, Ignatius! Check it out!
  • Ignatius: Hello, Forrest. What is that?
  • Forrest: It's a blouse. I mean...shirt. It's a shirt.
  • Ignatius: I see. Well, it certainly appears to have been competently tailored.
  • Forrest: Is that all you have to say? I stayed up all night working on it.
  • Ignatius: I don't know what else to say. I'm sure it'll look good on you.
  • Forrest: Um, this shirt is actually for you, Ignatius.
  • Ignatius: That shirt...for me? Um...
  • Forrest: You said the other day that people were getting the wrong impression about you. So I thought something like this could help!
  • Ignatius: Yeah. I guess I wasn't expecting something so...floral.
  • Forrest: Oh. You know, I put a lot of work into this garment. The least you could do is try it on.
  • Ignatius: I'm sorry, Forrest, but I don't think I could ever wear that. So what's the point in trying it on?
  • Forrest: I see. Well, I did tell you that I didn't have much experience with men's clothing.
  • Ignatius: And I told you not to bother. Remember? Anyway, never mind. It's my fault. I never should have said anything.
  • Forrest: It's OK. I can still salvage the fabric and turn it into something I can wear. See you around, Ignatius.

(Forrest leaves)

  • Ignatius: Damn.

A Support

  • Ignatius: Hey, Forrest. Do you have a moment?
  • Forrest: Hey, Ignatius. Sure. What's going on?
  • Ignatius: I feel terrible about the other day. About the shirt. Do you still have it?
  • Forrest: Yes. I haven't done anything with it yet. But why?
  • Ignatius: Can I try it on?
  • Forrest: I thought it was too girly for you. Aren't you worried about your reputation?
  • Ignatius: People can think what they want. It hurts me that I rejected a friend like you who was just trying to help. So will you let me try the shirt on or not?
  • Forrest: Of course! I can't wait to see how my first men's shirt turned out!
  • Ignatius: Now I'm not saying I'm going to wear this shirt into battle or anything...
  • Forrest: Ha! Well, I didn't design it for battle anyway. It's more of an...après-battle shirt.
  • Ignatius: Right. I mean, I wouldn't want to distract anyone on the battlefield.
  • Forrest: Of course. So come on back to my tent and you can try it on. I actually made a few accessories to go with it!
  • Ignatius: Oh?
  • Forrest: Yeah, I made a hat and a...well, let's call it a kilt.
  • Ignatius: It's a skirt, isn't it?
  • Forrest: Yes. Yes, it is.

With Velouria

C Support

  • Veloura: Ignatius...what is that fantastic object you're holding?
  • Ignatius: Hello, Velouria. This old thing? It's just a good-luck charm.
  • Veloura:'s breathtaking. The frayed threads. The asymmetrical shape. It's wonderful art.
  • Ignatius: Um, I actually kind of messed this one up when I was making it...
  • Veloura: Nonsense. Hand it over---I'll treasure it until the end of time.
  • Ignatius: Are you sure you want his one? Because I could make a much better one for you.
  • Veloura: No. I want that one. Worn down and distorted...scented with your human musk...
  • Ignatius: I see. Can I ask you something?
  • Veloura: Certainly.
  • Ignatius: If I give this to you, what EXACTLY are you going to do with it?
  • Veloura: Well, I'll hold it tightly to my chest and sniff it as I fall asleep. As anyone would.
  • Ignatius: Right. That actually makes me a little bit uncomfortable. So I'm just going to keep it for now.
  • Veloura: Bah, fine.

B Support

  • Veloura: Well, if it isn't Ignatius. Ignatius the ungenerous.
  • Ignatius: *sigh* Hello, Velouria.
  • Veloura: *sniff* *sniff* That's odd. I don't smell that good-luck charm on you. Tell me---where is it?
  • Ignatius: I buried it.
  • Veloura: You WHAT?
  • Ignatius: I was a little bit creeped out with the way you described it. So I buried it underground.
  • Veloura: Where did you bury it? Tell me at once!
  • Ignatius: Yeah...the thing about that...I lit it on fire too.
  • Veloura: Noooo!
  • Ignatius: Relax! I made you new one first. It's way better than that old one.
  • Veloura: You understand NOTHING. A new one won't do!
  • Ignatius: And why not?
  • Veloura: The object you formerly possessed was imbued with TIME and DECAY. The subtle deterioration of its form was sublimely beautiful. A new object can never possess these qualities!
  • Ignatius: That actually...kind of makes sense. I'm sorry.
  • Veloura: I'm devastated. I'll never find its equal...
  • Ignatius: Look, I'm really sorry.
  • Veloura: What's done is done. Just promise me you'll never destroy another work of art.
  • Ignatius: You have my word.
  • Veloura: Great. I smell another interesting object nearby? What are you carrying in that bag?
  • Ignatius: This? It's just garbage. Some old, oily rags.
  • Veloura: Give them to me at once.
  • Ignatius: You want old, stinky rags? I think there may be some rotten fruit in there as well.
  • Veloura: Ignatius...what did you just promise me?
  • Ignatius: To never destroy a work of art. Wait...what?! You think this is art too?
  • Veloura: Don't question me. Just hand it over.
  • Ignatius: Suit yourself...

A Support

  • Veloura: Hello, Ignatius.
  • Ignatius: What's wrong? You look even more serious than usual.
  • Veloura: I must apologize. The other day, you offered me a new good-luck charm, and I refused it. I will accept your gift. Please give it to me.
  • Ignatius: But I thought you didn't want a new one.
  • Veloura: It's not ideal. But it is worse to behave as rudely as I did.
  • Ignatius: No need to apologize. I wasn't offended---I promise. Anyway, it looks like the new charm is working already. Because I just so happen to have it in my pocket right now. Here you go!
  • Veloura: Thank you, Ignatius. *sniff* *sniff* Just as I suspected. It smells of nothing.
  • Ignatius: Right. Like I said, it's brand new.
  • Veloura: Well, I will treasure and fondle it, eventually giving it a new personality. And I have something for you as well.
  • Ignatius: Oh, you don't need to worry about that.
  • Veloura: Would you accept...this?
  • Ignatius: Gods... What is that THING? broken bones cinched together with oily rags? And is that...a fragment of a sword piercing a skull? At least it's not a human skull. Right? RIGHT?
  • Veloura: No, of course not. This is my good-luck charm for you.
  • Ignatius: This is meant to bring GOOD luck?
  • Veloura: Yes. I handcrafted it from a number of treasures I've collected over the years. Each object has it's own history and story to tell.
  • Ignatius: Honestly, it looks cursed. Is it cursed? I don't want to sleep in the same place as a cursed object...
  • Veloura: Well, when I slept with this other object near to my heart the other night...I felt paralyzed by the gaze of an unknown spirit. It was as if she was standing over me as I slept. It was an indescribably beautiful experience.
  • Ignatius: That's horrifying!
  • Veloura: So this is a mysterious charm, but it was made with good intentions. I do hope you will accept it.
  • Ignatius: I suppose I owe you one...
  • Veloura: Thank you, Ignatius. I'm so glad it'll be at home with you.
  • Ignatius: Yeah. Me too. *gulp*

S Support

  • Ignatius: Hello, Velouria. I've got something for you. I was going to throw it out, but...
  • Veloura: Oh, how lovely. I've always wanted a chair like this.
  • Ignatius: Yup. I figured you might like it. Since it's missing a leg.
  • Veloura: Indeed. This piece is rich in irony.
  • Ignatius: Let me ask you a question. Do you like ANY new things at all?
  • Veloura: Certainly! But it depends on the thing. New things can be beautiful in different ways.
  • Ignatius: In that case...what do you think about this ring?
  • Veloura: Ah, let's have a look! Hmm, It's quite shiny. The stone is large and unblemished. It's very well crafted, but I'm afraid this ring doesn't have a soul.
  • Ignatius: Oh.
  • Veloura: Where did you get this object, anyway? It's clearly sized for a female human.
  • Ignatius: I was going to give it to you.
  • Veloura: Oh!
  • Ignatius: Yeah. But I suppose now maybe I shouldn't.
  • Veloura: Ignatius! Please...give me that ring!
  • Ignatius: But you said it has no soul!
  • Veloura: That I did. And I was telling the truth. But if I were to wear this ring for years, it could become my most valuable treasure.
  • Ignatius: Velouria...
  • Veloura: The ring will become scratched in battle. Engraved by time and experience. It will lose its sparkle but shine with our shared memories over the years. Yes, Ignatius...I believe this ring will suit me quite well.
  • Ignatius: will accept it?
  • Veloura: With pleasure.

With Percy

C Support

  • Percy: Hey, Ignatius! I've been looking all over for you.
  • Ignatius: Percy? What is it? Did you need some help?
  • Percy: Naw, I just wanted to get your autograph!
  • Ignatius: Why in the world would you want that?
  • Percy: 'Cause you're a hero! You're always fighting on the front lines and protecting everyone. I've never seen anyone so brave—not even my dad!
  • Ignatius: You see me as a brave warrior?
  • Percy: Well, yeah! Because you are, duh! I want to be just like you when I grow up.
  • Ignatius: Percy, that's very kind of you to say, but trust me—you don't want to be like me.
  • Percy: Really? Why not? Wait, I get it. You're just being modest. 'Cause the bravest warriors don't need to brag. Man, you are SO COOL!
  • Ignatius: Please, you're overestimating me. I'm not the man you think I am.
  • Percy: Nope! You're a brave, gallant warrior, and I won't hear any further objections! Wait, I just thought of something that's even better than an autograph... You can coach me! I want to learn to be as brave as you. C'mon, what do you say?
  • Ignatius: Coach you? I'm sorry—that's a bad idea.
  • Percy: Aww, c'mon. Pleeeeease?
  • Ignatius: Ugh, that pitiful look. I can't turn you down. Fine. If you insist. But I'm warning you—I'm not a good teacher. And I'm also not brave.
  • Percy: Yay!
  • Ignatius: What have I done?

B Support

  • Ignatius: Percy, I don't think this is a good idea.
  • Percy: Why NOT? Jumping over a bonfire is a great way to test my bravery.
  • Ignatius: No. Put out the fire. This isn't happening. I'm your coach, remember? You have to listen to what I say.
  • Percy: Ugh, fine. I'll just have to come up with something else... I've got it! Why don't I throw some rocks at that beehive over there?
  • Ignatius: Gods, no! Why would you think of that?
  • Percy: So the bees will chase us, of course! Then we'll have to run for our lives! Here I go...
  • Ignatius: Percy, stop! This is madness!
  • Percy: Aww, training with you isn't as fun as I imagined it would be. Wait, what's that over there?
  • Ignatius: Hmm. Looks like a bear cub. We should get out of here. The mother bear is probably nearby.
  • Percy: What's he doing to the tree trunk? Why's he scraping it like that?
  • Ignatius: This is bad. He's going to anger the bees in that hive! Percy, we really need to get out of here!
  • Percy: What about the poor bear cub? Won't the bee stings hurt him?
  • Ignatius: I don't know, and I don't care to find out. Let's move!
  • Percy: Just a second. I'll be right back. YAAAAH!
  • (Percy leaves)
  • Ignatius: Percy! No!
  • Percy: *pant* *pant* I...I think I scared him off. It looks like the bees are still calm.
  • Ignatius: Did you get stung?
  • Percy: Nope! Not even once. And hopefully that cub stays away.
  • Ignatius: That was incredibly reckless of you. But also incredibly brave.
  • Percy: I'm sorry. I just acted before I even had a chance to think.
  • Ignatius: Hmm...
  • Percy: Hey, Coach, can we stop for today? That's all the excitement I can handle for now.
  • Ignatius: Yes. I agree.

A Support

  • Percy: Hey, Coach! What time should we practice today? Got anything super dangerous lined up for me to try? I'll do anything! Try me!
  • Ignatius: Yes, I'm aware of that. Percy, I don't think you need any more training from me.
  • Percy: Huh? Why not?
  • Ignatius: Because you are already far braver than I.
  • Percy: I don't know about that...
  • Ignatius: Nonsense. You rushed in to save that bear cub without a thought for yourself. You could have been stung hundreds of times. Or worse, you could have run afoul of the mother bear! I know I have a reputation as a tough warrior, but it is undeserved.
  • Percy: That's not true, Ignatius. I've seen you in action!
  • Ignatius: Oh, I'll fight. I'll fight to protect my friends. But I'm always filled with fear.
  • Percy: Wow, you're able to rush into battle even though you're deathly afraid? That might be the bravest thing I've ever heard!
  • Ignatius: Well, thank you, Percy. I never really thought about it that way.
  • Percy: Heh. You're welcome. Well, I guess if you think I'm braver than you, do you want some coaching from ME? I know a great cliff we can jump off of! Or there's this really spooky cave we could explore...
  • Ignatius: Um...I'll think about it.

With Ophelia

C Support

  • Ophelia: Thee! Over thither! Halt!
  • Ignatius: Ophelia?
  • Ophelia: Indeed. It is I, Ophelia Dusk! I have an augury for you of ill things to come.
  • Ignatius: An augury? What is it?
  • Ophelia: Hold. The shroud parts...through the veil... I see them!
  • Ignatius: See what? Who do you see?
  • Ophelia: The auras of departed things, lapping up the vapors that trail behind you...
  • Ignatius: Vapors?! It wasn't me, I swear! It was the dog!
  • Ophelia: Not that! I mean the vapors of fear you exude. Spirits are feeding on them. Do you not sense them? Their breath caressing the nape of your neck? Can you not hear their whispers in your ear? Hearken to me! Ghosts saturate the air around you! Ghosts! Wo-o-o-o! Spooky!
  • Ignatius: What?! Stop it! There's no such thing as ghosts!
  • Ophelia: There are. You of all people should be able to sense their presence. After all, it appears these ones have accompanied you for quite some time-- Oh no...
  • Ignatius: What? What is it?
  • Ophelia: DUCK!
  • Ophelia: Heehee. Just kidding. Did I scare you?
  • Ignatius: ...
  • Ophelia: Hm? Hey, Ignatius? Ignatius. Say "veridical" if you can hear me!
  • Ignatius: ...
  • Ophelia: Oh fennel! He fainted! I'm sorry, Ignatius! I'll wake you up with my wake-up spell! Abra Debabra Ca-wakey! ... Oh no! Ignatius! Ignatius, you've got to get up! You're on fire!

B Support

  • Ophelia: Oh! Ignatius!
  • Ignatius: ...
  • Ophelia: H-hey! Don't ignore me!
  • Ignatius: You are a terrible person. Please be terrible elsewhere.
  • Ophelia: Aw, c'mon! Are you still mad about the other day? But I apologized like twice! And that patch where your hair got burned off is barely noticeable! If you comb it over a little, I'm sure nobody would have any idea!
  • Ignatius: Ghk.
  • Ophelia: Hmph. So you're just gonna keep being a sourpuss about it? Well fine then! Go on, keep making that face! You'll just attract more evil spirits! Hmph!
  • Ignatius: What!? I can attract spirits with my face? Is that true?
  • Ophelia: Of course it is! Evil spirits feed off of negative emotions!
  • Ignatius: S-so...I've got to make a happy face? H-how's this? Do I look happy enough now?
  • Ophelia: Wow! You're a natural, kid! You'd make a fine apprentice, y'know! Now, to further protect you, I'll even give you this perlapt to grant you good luck. Now sit, put this on, and receive my boon!
  • Ignatius: Right here? OK.
  • Ophelia: O, hear me, ones who walked the world many ages before us! Fold now your spirits to my will! Grant this child Fortune's shield! Felicity! I call upon you and bound thee to my service!
  • Ignatius: Aghp! Ophelia! Blech! What are you throwing at me?
  • Ophelia: Huh? It's just! Blessed silver grains given us by benevolent spirits.
  • Ignatius: Uh-huh. Sure. So YOU're the culprit behind the missing saltshakers.
  • Ophelia: Shush! I cannot concentrate with all of this prattle! The spirits call for silence. Or would you prefer I accidentally summon evil, spooky, knight-eating spirits instead?
  • Ignatius: N-no...
  • Ophelia: That's the spirit! Pun intended! O ancestors! Spirits of ash and azure, vault and soil! Hear me! Imbue this silver with your power, and through it, the one who sits here. Wipe misfortune from his fate... ... ...Aaaand you're good to go! Thanks and come again!
  • Ignatius: Oh. Uh...OK. Did it work?
  • Ophelia: How am I supposed to know? I'm a mage, not a scientist.
  • Ignatius: What?!
  • Ophelia: I guess we should just keep an eye out for good luck. If you have some, it worked! If so, let me know! I'm dying to know if this charm is a dud or the real deal!
  • Ignatius: You mean you haven't even tested it?!
  • Ophelia: There you go, making that angry face again. Say hi to my evil spirit friends for me!
  • Ignatius: AH! Er, I mean— G-ahaha! I'm happy! Oh so happy! Thank you, Ophelia! You're the best! I forgive you a million times over! Ahahaha ahaahaha!
  • Ophelia: Much better! You're welcome!

A Support

  • Ophelia: So, Ignatius, have you noticed any changes in your luck since my magical ritual?
  • Ignatius: Hm...
  • Ophelia: Come on, out with it! Even little changes. Something!
  • Ignatius: Well, not really. But I think it's safe to say it had an effect.
  • Ophelia: Huh? How so?
  • Ignatius: I am still alive!
  • Ophelia: Huh?
  • Ignatius: The battlefield is a dangerous place. You never know which fight may be your last. So the fact I still draw breath alone means it must have worked, right?
  • Ophelia: U-um, sure. That sounds...right! I'm a genius! Ha...haha... In went so well that I think we should do another ritual soon! Maybe I'll be able to work some bona fide miracles this time!
  • Ignatius: Miracles, huh?
  • Ophelia: Yup! I'll beseech the gods themselves to lend their power to my spell!
  • Ignatius: And what do these miracles do, exactly?
  • Ophelia: Wellllll...if you're in danger, maybe a thunderbolt will strike your enemies! Or maybe serious emotional trauma will unlock your hidden martial potential! Just like the swordsman with the cursed hand Father always told me about!
  • Ignatius: Wow! Really?
  • Ophelia: Of course really! I have to be able to work miracles like those! Because...if I could, none of our friends will have to die anymore, right? I'd be able to protect them...
  • Ignatius: Ophelia...
  • Ophelia: Buuut until I can, I'll need a guinea pig to test my rituals out on. That's where you come in!
  • Ignatius: Uhhhhh...

S Support

  • Ophelia: Book after book after book, and none of them have the answers! It's as if Fate itself conspires against my efforts!
  • Ignatius: Ophelia? Something the matter?
  • Ophelia: YES! Yes, something is the matter!
  • Ignatius: O-OK. No need to shout. What's wrong?
  • Ophelia: It's my quest for miracle spells! You remember, right? I still haven't found a single clue about how to cast them! Even accounts of them are impossible to come by, let alone instructions!
  • Ignatius: Well sure. They wouldn't be miraculous if they were common, right?
  • Ophelia: I guess not... Maybe I should just give up. I mean, how can I save people from death if I can't even perform a few lousy miracles?
  • Ignatius: Hm. ...
  • Ophelia: Ignatius? Why are you kneeling?
  • Ignatius: May I have your hand, Ophelia? I must say something to you.
  • Ophelia: O-OK...
  • Ignatius: I believe in you, Ophelia, and I believe in your dreams. I think you have a noble heart. Therefore, I would like to pledge myself to you, if you will have me. I want to help you any way I can to master the art of miracle casting.
  • Ophelia: Ignatius...
  • Ignatius: However, I cannot pretend my reasons are entirely selfless. I...I also love you, Ophelia. And would be honored if you would have me.
  • Ophelia: Oh, Ignatius! I will. Of course I will! I love you too!
  • Ignatius: Truly? Thank you, my love! I promise to serve you forevermore.
  • Ophelia: Perfect! Because there's a new spell I've been wanting to try out on someone. But don't worry! Chances of instant fatality are, like, practically zero!
  • Ignatius: Of course. Use me as you will. Wait, did you just say "fatality"?
  • Ophelia: No take-backs! Teehee!

With Soleil

C Support

  • Soleil: Aww, look at all those cute girls. Just frolicking without a care in the world. *sigh*
  • Ignatius: Soleil? What are you doing?
  • Soleil: Shh! Keep your voice down, Ignatius! They'll run away if you're too loud!
  • Ignatius: Um, your "shh" was way louder than anything I said...
  • Soleil: Whatever. Just SHUT UP.
  • Ignatius: Are you...hunting something?
  • Soleil: You could say that. Heehee!
  • Ignatius: Wait a second. Are you hunting those girls down there? What exactly do you have in mind?
  • Soleil: Nothing! ... OK, fine, I was going to sneak up on one of them and pinch her as hard as I can. Is that so wrong?
  • Ignatius: Yes. Yes, I believe that that is wrong.
  • Soleil: Bah, you just don't know how to have fun. I should pinch YOU sometime. You know, I've never even seen you smile.
  • Ignatius: That can't be true. Can it?

B Support

  • Soleil: Wait, come back! Nooooo!
  • Ignatius: Soleil, are you stalking and scaring off random girls again?
  • Soleil: It's not stalking! But yeah, they keep getting scared away. Anyway, what's with the face you're making? It's so creepy!
  • Ignatius: Really? I thought I was making a normal face. You seem like you're always smiling. How do you do that?
  • Soleil: Aww, thanks for noticing! I always try to keep a smile on my face. After all, it's hard to be in a bad mood when you're smiling. Why don't you try it?
  • Ignatius: Do you smile even in the face of sadness and fear?
  • Soleil: Yeah! It's like punching sadness in the face. Take that, sadness! Yah!
  • Ignatius: Well, that's pretty impressive. I have a hard time staying positive when I'm sad.
  • Soleil: All you need is a little practice. Let's give it a try right now! Just raise the corners of your mouth higher. Like this. See?
  • Ignatius: Like this?
  • Soleil: Er, not quite.
  • Ignatius: *sigh*
  • Soleil: Don't worry. I'll help you practice. Because that other face you made is just... Let's not even talk about it.
  • Ignatius: Sorry. And thanks.

A Support

  • Ignatius: Cheese. How's that?
  • Soleil: Better! You've come a long way, Ignatius!
  • Ignatius: Yeah? I don't look as intimidating?
  • Soleil: Not at all. Smile with confidence, my friend. If I had one criticism... I'd say that you should avoid saying "cheese" every time you smile.
  • Ignatius: This whole smiling thing is harder than it looks. But thank you for your help.
  • Soleil: Aww, I haven't done much. You've got a great smile—you've just got to learn how to use it! And how to hide away that scary, scowly face forever.
  • Ignatius: Heh...
  • Soleil: What? What's so funny?
  • Ignatius: Nothing. It's just strange how smiles work, isn't it? When I see you smiling, it makes me want to smile. Isn't that kind of amazing?
  • Soleil: Really? That's probably the best compliment I've ever gotten. But your smile makes me want to smile too. Let me see it again!
  • Ignatius: Cheese.
  • Soleil: Bwahaha! You said "cheese" again!
  • Ignatius: Did I? Gah, I was trying so hard not to...

S Support

  • Ignatius: Soleil...
  • Soleil: Ignatius? Gah, you're making that face again!
  • Ignatius: Sorry. I'm just nervous.
  • Soleil: What's wrong? Something on your mind?
  • Ignatius: Well, yes...
  • Soleil: Remember, a smile is a punch to the face of unhappiness! So, rear back and sock it to your sad feelings!
  • Ignatius: Thanks, Soleil. You always cheer me up.
  • Soleil: Boom, just like that! Gosh, you're sure handsome when you smile. Anyway, what's on your mind?
  • Ignatius: Well, I have something for you. It's not much, but here it is.
  • Soleil: Aww, thanks! But why a sunflower?
  • Ignatius: Because this flower follows the direction of the sun, and it reminds me of you. When people see flowers like these, they smile. It's the same kind of effect you have on people.
  • Soleil: Ignatius, please. I'm very flattered, but comparing me to this beautiful flower? It's too much. You're making me blush!
  • Ignatius: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable.
  • Soleil: It's OK. This is a sweet gift, and I'm so grateful for your compliment. Thank you, Ignatius. Dang, I don't have anything for you in return. Talk about awkward.
  • Ignatius: It's OK. I don't need anything.
  • Soleil: Wait, I know! You can have this hairpin! One of my girlfriends gave it to me. Isn't it cute?
  • Ignatius: It's...a butterfly... I'm scared of butterflies.
  • Soleil: Oh...uh... Hoo boy, this is awkward!
  • Ignatius: No! I'll accept it anyway. I'll wear it with pride. And fear. But mostly pride.
  • Soleil: Hooray! Good for you, Ignatius! Even if I know you're going to take it off as soon as I leave, that means a lot to me.
  • Ignatius: You're welcome, Soleil. Your presence always helps me to smile, no matter how much I'm screaming inside.
  • Soleil: Good! I'm so glad I taught you how to do it!

With Nina

C Support

  • Ignatius: Hm...
  • Nina: Ehehehehe. Yeah! Now kiss! Oooh! Now he's blushing!
  • Ignatius: Nina? Did you need something?
  • Nina: GAH! He spotted me!
  • Ignatius: Nina?
  • Nina: H-he's talking to me... Oh no. Think, Nina! What do I do? Oh man, oh man...I'm no good with guys! There's got to be somewhere to hide around here!
  • Ignatius: You're mumbling to yourself. Can you hear me? Are you OK?
  • Nina: Y-yes, I can hear you! Did you need something?
  • Ignatius: That's my line...Were you, ah, stalking me? To tell the truth, I'd be relieved. I thought it was a spirit or an enemy.
  • Nina: Huh? Stalking you? Hahahahahahaha! You're so funny! And such imagination!
  • Ignatius: wasn't you? OK...Well, either way, please don't follow me, OK? I'm going to my tent now...
  • Nina: Psh! You couldn't pay me enough to follow you!
  • Ignatius: OK. Later.
  • Nina: Aww... He left. I hope I didn't make him mad. I didn't mean to be rude. *sigh* Talk about a total failure...Man...I just wanted to watch Ignatius talk to another guy. Was that so much to ask?

B Support

  • Nina: Ah. This is the life! Loafing around town, examining the goods...(Ooh, those two boys over there are especially cute!) Time just flies right by! Heehee.
  • Ignatius: Nina... Why are you hiding behind this building?
  • Nina: Bah. You again? I'm not hiding! And even if I was, what's it to you?
  • Ignatius: Uh-huh. You were watching those two guys over there, weren't you?
  • Nina: Yes, fine, I was! Now will you leave me alone? I'm quite busy, as you can see.
  • Ignatius: Huh? Hey! Those two... They just pocketed that woman's wallet!
  • Nina: Oh! You're right! What jerks. They just HAD to go and spoil my fantasies...
  • Ignatius: Fantasies?
  • Nina: Huh? Fantasies? I didn't say anything about fantasies. You should get your hearing checked, big guy.
  • Ignatius: ...As you say. And I apologize for hassling you about your watching those guys. I should have realized you were doing it in order to expose thier thievery.
  • Nina: S-sure. Something like that. I'm surprised you figured that out. Very perceptive! Now, I need to get moving if I'm going to catch them. I can't allow such ignoble thieves to get away!
  • Ignatius: Very good. I will join you.
  • Nina: Huh?
  • Ignatius: You'll be outnumbered if you go alone. And they don't look like pushovers. Even I'm sort of scared of the big one... I can't just let you take them on alone.
  • Nina: Huh? You're worried about me?
  • Ignatius: Of course I am. You're my friend, aren't you?
  • Nina: Huh. I think I had the wrong idea about you. Maybe you're not as scary and grumpy as you look.
  • Ignatius: Um...thanks? Can we talk about this later, though? If they turn that corner, we're going to lose them.
  • Nina: Oh! Right! Let's go!

A Support

  • Nina: Hey, Ignatius.
  • Ignatius: Mm? What do you need, Nina?
  • Nina: Remember those two theives we caught the other day? Well, I wanted to say I would have been fine on my own. I mean, you don't really have any experience stealing or sneaking. I wouldn't have needed protecting if you hadn't alarmed them.
  • Ignatius: ...Heh. Hahaha.
  • Nina: What's so funny?
  • Ignatius: I think I understand you better now. I was wondering why you were always so rude to me. But it's starting to make sense. You're just really, really bad at talking to people, aren't you?
  • Nina: Er, ah, well, maaaybe with SOME people...Like people, mostly.
  • Ignatius: So, what you actually wanted to say to me was "thank you," right? It was on the tip your tongue, right up until you started blushing. Haha.
  • Nina: Th-that's crazy! why would I do that? If I wanted to thank you, I could do it! I-I could totally say it. Th-th-th-th-thank you! See? S-satisfied?
  • Ignatius: Ahahaha. Sure. I'm satistfied.
  • Nina: *sigh* Whatever. Think what you want! I guess it's not so bad. I've got you figured out too, after all.
  • Ignatius: Oh?
  • Nina: You're a loner, you've no idea how to talk to others, and you're sort of a scaredy-cat.'re also kind and reliable. And you watch out for your friends.
  • Ignatius: I don't know what you're talking about.
  • Nina: Oh, don't give me your cool-guy act. I know what I know.
  • Ignatius: Hmph. Well...maybe you're right. Maybe.
  • Nina: Huh? Are you blushing? Heheheh. I guess you CAN be cute when you want to be. I like you. You're not daydream material, but I guess I could stand being your friend. At least, I could if you try to look cute a little more often.
  • Ignatius: Heh. You are one strange girl, Nina.

S Support

  • Ignatius: Nina...
  • Nina: Ignatius? What's wrong?
  • Ignatius: Do you still think of me as a dependable friend?
  • Nina: What a weird question. Of course I do!
  • Ignatius: I see. you think of me as anything else?
  • Nina: I mean, I guess. Sure. You're a comrade, a knight, a nice guy, a scaredy-cat, a---Er, Ignatius? Why the grimace?
  • Ignatius: I don't want to be friends with you, Nina.
  • Nina: What? Why?! Did I do something to offend you again? I'm sorry. I know I was rude to you before, but I thought I'd gotten better. Please, if there's anything I can do to make things right again, just tell me.
  • Ignatius: No, you don't understand. What I mean is that I...I want to be more than friends.
  • Nina: Say whaaaaaaa?
  • Ignatius: I don't want us to just be friends. I want us to be together. As partners.
  • Nina: You mean, like, together-together? Like, partner-partners?
  • Ignatius: Yes. Partner-partners. I never would have guessed I'd feel this way when we met. But as we grew to know one another, behind the masks...I fell for you. You're the most adorable girl I've ever met. So, what do you say? Do I have a chance?
  • Nina: H-hey! Cut it out with the puppy-dog eyes! You know I can't handle those! I'll...I'll...start to daydream... Oooooh. Eheheehehehe.
  • Ignatius: Nina, please, snap out of it. Do you have an answer for me?
  • Nina: There's something you need to know about me, first. I like watching guys have fun and talk with each other from the shadows. That's not going to change because you and I get involved, you know.
  • Ignatius: Yeah, yeah. I know. I wouldn't change that about you anyways, I think it's cute. So, it that a yes?
  • Nina: Heehee. Yeah. you'll do. You'll do nicely.
  • Ignatius: Thank you, Nina. I was terrified you'd turn me down, but you've made me so happy.
  • Nina: Oh man, you're so adorable when you're bashful! I could just eat you up! now, could I ask you for a favor? I just want you to stand next to that guy and...

With Asugi

C Support

  • Asugi: All right, now I just beat the eggs into the batter aaaaand... 
  • Ignatius: ...
  • Asugi: Hm? I sense a presence! HEY! Show yourself, villain! 
  • Ignatius: GWAAH! It's just me! Ignatius! No need to get the pointy things out! 
  • Asugi: Ignatius? Oh, it's just you, Fraidycat. Don't scare me like that, yeah? So, ah, what can I do for ya? 
  • Ignatius: Nothing.
  • Asugi: ... Well, then, off with you. I've got cookies to bake. 
  • Ignatius: Err... but...
  • Asugi: Ah, I gotcha. The cookies are why you're here, right? Well not to worry! I'm always happy to share my creations. They'll be ready soon. Just, like, wait over there or something.
  • Ignatius: I'm not here to eat cookies. 
  • Asugi: You're not? Then did you need some ingredients or something? 
  • Ignatius: No.
  • Asugi: OK, then what ARE you doing here?! Is there any reason you have to stand there and stare at me like that? 
  • Ignatius: I guess not. Sorry for bothering you.
  • Asugi: Hm. He definately had his eyes on my cookies... What's his angle? 

B Support

  • Asugi: There we go! Dough's all ready. These cookies are gonna be a-mazing! Now where's my cookie cutter? Hm?
  • Ignatius: Hi. 
  • Asugi: Back again, huh? You know I don't appreciate being oggled while I work. 
  • Ignatius: Yeah. I know. ... 
  • Asugi: Oh, come on, not this again! If you want a cookie, just ask for one. I'm not gonna laugh at you for wanting them. I like 'em too. In fact, I'm always happy to make friends with a taste for the finer things in life. 
  • Ignatius: No thank you. I don't want a cookie. 
  • Asugi: You say that, but you keep staring at them. So what's up? I can't concentrate with you standing there like an evil golem thing. 
  • Ignatius: Truthfully? I like looking at your cookies because of the way they're shaped. 
  • Asugi: The way they're shaped? 
  • Ignatius: Yes, you know. The little animal shapes. They're adorable. Especially that little moo-cow.
  • Asugi: I see. Well, you're in luck, then. I was just about to make some rabbit cookies.
  • Ignatius: Oh, gods. That bunny cutter is so damn cute. I want to hug it and cuddle it. 
  • Asugi: You like it? Here, have a closer look. Heh. If this is what you wanted, you should have said so ages ago. 
  • Ignatius: But... I thought you might tease me if I said I liked cute things. 
  • Asugi: Huh? Why would I say that? Nothing wrong with liking cute stuff. I mean, you've seen my belt, right? 
  • Ignatius: I thought you wore that ironically...
  • Asugi: Don't be silly. I love cute stuff! Now, let's get on with these cookies. But first, I'll need my cutter back. 
  • Ignatius: Oh, sorry. Here you are. Oh boy, I can't wait! 

A Support

  • Ignatius: ...
  • Asugi: Hey, ah, Fraidycat? I know I said you could watch me bake, but this is a little absurd.
  • Ignatius: Oh. Did you want me to leave? 
  • Asugi: No, no, it's OK. I'm just surprised you're not bored, I guess. 
  • Ignatius: How could I be? You have so many different cookie cutters, and all of them are so cute. If anything, I can't get enough of this.
  • Asugi: And you're sure you don't want to eat any? You that's what they're for, right? You'll never truly know how incredible they are until you taste one. 
  • Ignatius: Really? You think so?
  • Asugi: Yes! Of course! You've got to try at least one. Don't tell me you think they'd taste terrible. I'm a great baker! Promise! 
  • Ignatius: No, it's not that.
  • Asugi: Huh? Then what? 
  • Ignatius: I just can't bring myself to eat cute things. 
  • Asugi: What?
  • Ignatius: How am I supposed to bite the head off of a little doughy kitty? Or a bunny? And then there's that awful crunch. It just seems so cruel. 
  • Asugi: You know they're not alive, right? It's just flower and sugar. 
  • Ignatius: Of course I know that. But I still can't.
  • Asugi: Hmph. Fine. Then I'll just have to force one down your throat myself! 
  • Ignatius: What?!
  • Asugi: There's no point in baking cookies if people aren't ging to eat them! Now, eat it! Eat the kitty cat!
  • Ignatius: Glaaaa! Ki-kiddy's in mah mawph! 
  • Asugi: Now chew it! 
  • Ignatius: Awwnngrphlkrrnch! Hm? *munch munch* What divine sweetnes... This is what your cookies are like? 
  • Asugi: Yep! So? Good, huh?
  • Ignatius: It's delicious. I don't have the words to describe it. I still feel sorry for the kitty, though. I didn't mean to crush the life out of him... 
  • Asugi: Aww, I know, buddy. I know. You know something, Fradiycat? You're all right. 
  • Ignatius: Thanks. You too. 

With Selkie

C Support

  • Selkie: Whee! *hop* *hop* *hop*
  • Ignatius: What foolishness is this?
  • Selkie: Huh? What do you mean? I'm just hopping around, obviously.
  • Ignatius: Dare I ask why?
  • Selkie: Because it's super fun! You should try it! Like this... Watch! *hop* *hop* *hop* Whee!
  • Ignatius: Really? Well, I am bored. I suppose it couldn't hurt to try. *hop* Meh.
  • Selkie: See? Wasn't that great?
  • Ignatius: Great isn't the word I'd use to describe it.
  • Selkie: What?! What's wrong with you? How can you not enjoy hopping?
  • Ignatius: There's nothing wrong with me. I'm in top shape.
  • Selkie: And you don't see the fun in hopping. Are you sure you're doing it right? Try again!
  • Ignatius: Very well, I'll humor you. *hop*
  • Selkie: Wellllllll? Am I right?
  • Ignatius: Meh.
  • Selkie: Oh, Ignatius...this is bad! There must be something seriously wrong with you!
  • Ignatius: Well, I'll get right to the healer.
  • Selkie: Do it! I hope you get better soon, Ignatius!
  • Ignatius: Yeah...thanks.

B Support

  • Ignatius: Hey, Selkie, knock it off! Stop tugging on my arm! I told you already—I don't want to go anywhere right now.
  • Selkie: Aww, c'mon. It's really cool, and it's not far from here!
  • Ignatius: Maybe if you actually told me what it is you want to show me...
  • Selkie: No, dum-dum, that would ruin the surprise! Hurry up, we're almost there.
  • Ignatius: Selkie, I'm serious. I'm not going unless you tell me WHERE we're going!
  • Selkie: Ugh, fine. It's a super-scary cave! Can you believe it?
  • Ignatius: Why would I want to go to a super-scary cave?
  • Selkie: Because it's exciting! I have no idea what's in there, but it almost sounds like someone's screaming inside! It's probably just the wind, but what if it's an amazing monster?
  • Ignatius: Oh, great. Wait, I just remembered. I have to wash my hair. So I can't go. Obviously.
  • Selkie: Wash your hair? It looks clean enough to me. Are you still not feeling well? Did you ever go see a healer?
  • Ignatius: Selkie, I'm going to level with you. I just don't want to go.
  • Selkie: But whyyyyyy?
  • Ignatius: No reason...
  • Selkie: Wait a second... You're not scared, are you?
  • Ignatius: Me? Scared? Pfft. I told you already. It's my hair. It's not going to wash itself. ... OK, fine, I'm scared. Happy now?
  • Selkie: No, I'm still sad that you won't come with me. By the way, what does it feel like to be scared?
  • Ignatius: Oh, so now you're just taunting me. Great.
  • Selkie: No, I honestly don't know what it's like. I'm sorry! It's just the way I am.
  • Ignatius: Are you serious? You're not scared of ANYTHING?
  • Selkie: Nothing I can think of!
  • Ignatius: Well, that's pretty terrifying in and of itself. I hope you have a good time exploring the cave. Try not to get eaten by a monster.
  • Selkie: Thanks! I'll do my best!

A Support

  • Selkie: Hey, Ignatius! Check out this crazy bug I just caught!
  • Ignatius: Gah! Get that thing away from me!
  • Selkie: You don't want it? But look how many legs it has!
  • Ignatius: *shudder* Please, Selkie...take it away. I'm begging you!
  • Selkie: Yeesh, OK. So, you're scared of bugs?
  • Ignatius: Yes. Yes, I am.
  • Selkie: Let's see. You're scared of bugs. Scared of caves. What else?
  • Ignatius: Well, I'm scared of combat. I'm scared of my friends being hurt... And clowns. I'm scared of clowns.
  • Selkie: Aww, it must be hard to live like that. Wait, I've got it. I can help you!
  • Ignatius: How?
  • Selkie: I'll just go everywhere with you so you don't have to be scared! If there's a scary bug, I'll squish it. If there's a creepy, cool cave to explore, I'll explore it. And if there's a clown, I'll rip his big red nose off with my teeth! Rawr!
  • Ignatius: That's very generous of you. But can you really protect me ALL the time?
  • Selkie: Yep!
  • Ignatius: Well... OK, then!
  • Selkie: Yay! Of course, I'm also going to help you get over some of your fears. You know, we can train and spar and do all that fun stuff, which should help. And once a week I'll probably throw a nasty spider in your hair without warning.
  • Ignatius: Noooooo!
  • Selkie: Haha! This is going to be fun!

S Support

  • Selkie: Hey, Ignatius... Are you scared of ghosts?
  • Ignatius: Well, ghosts aren't real. But...yeah.
  • Selkie: What about friendly ghosts?
  • Ignatius: Friendly ghosts? They're even more nonexistent than regular ghosts. And...still scary.
  • Selkie: Argh! OK, what about a super-cheery ghost who brings you gifts and things? Would you be scared of that?
  • Ignatius: I'm sorry—that still sounds creepy. What's with the sudden obsession with ghosts, Selkie?
  • Selkie: It's just... What if I die and turn into a ghost? Then you won't want to see me anymore.
  • Ignatius: Selkie, how can you say that? I guess I wouldn't be scared of a Selkie ghost. But you shouldn't even think like that. I won't let you die and turn into a ghost!
  • Selkie: Sorry, dum-dum, but nobody can stop me from dying forever. Everyone dies!
  • Ignatius: Please, stop talking about dying... I can't bear it! I...I love you, Selkie.
  • Selkie: What?! Really?
  • Ignatius: Yes. So even if you're joking about dying and becoming a ghost... Please knock it off.
  • Selkie: Ignatius. The thing is...I love you too! Isn't that great?! Just promise that you're going to love me forever. Even when I'm a ghost. Because I'm totally going to mess with you as a ghost. Get ready for it.
  • Ignatius: What have I done?

With Caeldori

C Support

  • Caeldori: Say, Ignatius, what's that you're holding? Some kind of good-luck charm?
  • Ignatius: Oh, this? Yeah, that's right.
  • Caeldori: Is it the one you always make a wish on before a battle?
  • Ignatius: The very one. Why do you ask?
  • Caeldori: I don't know. I guess I just don't understand why you'd have one.
  • Ignatius: What do you mean?
  • Caeldori: I guess it just seems too risky. A fighter should rely on their strength and allies. Once they start trusting to luck, they're doomed. And who knows if those trinkets even work?
  • Ignatius: Oh, they don't work. But that's not the point. I don't think someone like you would understand, though. You're...brave. And talented. You don't need this stuff. I do. Anyways. Nice chatting with you.

(Ignatius leaves)

  • Caeldori: Hm.

B Support

  • Caeldori: Hello, Ignatius. I see you're fiddling with that good-luck charm again.
  • Ignatius: Hm? Oh, yes. It's a habit. I've done it since I was a child. Whenever I'm scared or worried, I play with it. It's soothing.
  • Caeldori: I see.
  • Ignatius: I am sorry. I'm sure you don't feel those things very often. It must be difficult to understand.
  • Caeldori: Why do you say that?
  • Ignatius: Is it not obvious? You may be the most gifted person any of us have ever met. There's no reason for you to be scared of anything.
  • Caeldori: That's not true. I get scared and fret about things all the time.
  • Ignatius: It's all right, Caeldori. You don't have to do the whole false-modesty thing for me.
  • Caeldori: I'm not. I'm telling you the truth. I'm not strong. And I'm far from being gifted. When people say I am, it bothers me. It makes me feel like I'm alone. I have as many flaws as anyone else. If not more.
  • Ignatius: Hm.
  • Caeldori: Never mind. I don't need to explain myself. Forget I said anything.

(Caeldori leaves)

  • Ignatius: Caeldori...

A Support

  • Ignatius: Caeldori. Here. I have something for you.
  • Caeldori: A good-luck charm?
  • Ignatius: Yes. I made it myself.
  • Caeldori: Thank you! But why for me?
  • Ignatius: Because you are a genius.
  • Caeldori: What? Now, listen here—
  • Ignatius: I'm not the only one that thinks so. All of our comrades agree. Which is why I think you were right when you said they keep their distance from you. They worry that you will embarrass them or outdo them. And they don't think you can relate to them because you don't share their weaknesses. They aren't entirely wrong, either. That may be your biggest flaw—your strength.
  • Caeldori: I suppose you're right... I am not the best at understanding others. Like when I told you that your charm was useless, even foolish... I didn't think about how much comfort it must give you in trying times. I'm so sorry, Ignatius. I wasn't thinking.
  • Ignatius: It's OK. Truly. And I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings by calling you gifted. I didn't mean to make you feel as though I was pushing you away.
  • Caeldori: It's all right. I shouldn't have been so sensitive about it.
  • Ignatius: Be that as it may, I thought I would give you this good-luck charm, to apologize. I know you don't really believe in them, but I thought you might like to try one out. Not for a battle, but for when you feel alone or sad because of how people treat you. I am sure it has caused you a lot of pain. I hope this charm helps to ease it.
  • Caeldori: Oh! Thank you, Ignatius. I'll treasure it always.
  • Ignatius: It is my pleasure. I just hope you don't get discouraged about connecting with others. People are complicated, but you just have to keep trying. I believe in you.
  • Caeldori: Thank you, Ignatius. It means a lot coming from you.
  • Ignatius: There's nothing to thank me for. It's just the truth.
  • Caeldori: Well, all the same, I'd like to thank you. If you ever need anything, I've got your back. OK?
  • Ignatius: Thank you. And the same to you, Caeldori.

S Support

  • Ignatius: It's nice out here tonight.
  • Caeldori: It is. The lake is beautiful...
  • Ignatius: ... Someone would have to be pretty strong to stand beside you, wouldn't they?
  • Caeldori: Hm? You mean like in battle? Strength doesn't matter much to me there. I will gladly take up arms beside anyone who shares my cause.
  • Ignatius: That's a good answer, but it's not quite what I meant. I mean your partners. They must have been strong.
  • Caeldori: Partners...? Wait! You mean, like, boyfriends?!
  • Ignatius: Yeah. Them.
  • Caeldori: Y-y-yeah! Sure have! Er, I mean, they sure were! Strong. Yup! I've gone out with tons of boys!
  • Ignatius: I see. What were they like? If you don't mind my asking.
  • Caeldori: Oh, gods, it's so hard to remember them all! many! So, so many! All those past boyfriends of mine! Haha! Very strong...and courageous! And noble! Like, the one who could crush boulders with his forehead! Or the one that used to bench-press elephants! Wowie! He was a hoot! Hahahaha! Oh, the memories! I'm tearing up just thinking about them!
  • Ignatius: I see...
  • Caeldori: Wh-why do you ask?
  • Ignatius: They were very blessed, then. I wish I could say the same for myself.
  • Caeldori: Huh? How's that?
  • Ignatius: Because if I were more like them, then maybe I could have been your boyfriend.
  • Caeldori: You mean...
  • Ignatius: Y-yes... I've fallen for you. But I'm not strong enough to be the man you deserve. You need someone equally as talented, equally as skilled, and intelligent. It is all right, though. I am more than happy to remain your loyal—
  • Caeldori: Ignatius, stop! I love you too!
  • Ignatius: What?! But I've never crushed a boulder before in my life! And, I mean, I could lift a few chickens, but an elephant is just out of the question...
  • Caeldori: Ignatius, wait. You don't have to do any of those things. I just made those guys up. I'm sorry.
  • Ignatius: Huh?
  • Caeldori: I've never gone out with anyone before! I just wanted to sound cool.
  • Ignatius: Oh. Well that's OK.
  • Caeldori: I'm sorry I lied. But I promise you, I'm telling the truth when I say I love you.
  • Ignatius: So...then may I have the honor of being your first boyfriend?
  • Caeldori: Yes! Of course you can!
  • Ignatius: Oh, Caeldori. You've no idea how happy you've made me.
  • Caeldori: Heehee. I could say the same to you, big guy. I'm so glad we're finally together. I've dreamed of this day. Just make sure you never leave my side, all right?
  • Ignatius: Of course. I won't give that spot up for anyone.